Thursday, September 30, 2010

Novi Sad: Liberty Square and Town Centre

Crkva imena Marijinog, Novi SadCrkva imena Marijinog, Novi Sad

Following our charming walk through the streets of Novi Sad, we entered Trg Slobode (Liberty Square) from the west.  The first thing you notice on entering Trg Slobode from any direction is the beautiful Roman Catholic Parish Church of St Mary’s Name (Crkva imena Marijinog). It was built in the neo-gothic style between 1893 and 1895 on the site of what was previously the cathedral.

Svetozar Miletic, Trg Slobode, Novi SadSvetozar Miletić, Trg Slobode, Novi Sad

In the centre of Trg Slobode is a statue of the famous Serbian leader and mayor of Novi Sad Svetozar Miletić.  You can see that Exit Festival had arrived in town as Mr Miletić is in fact holding a beer bottle in that photo!

Erste Bank, Trg Slobode, Novi SadErste Bank, Trg Slobode, Novi Sad

Trg Slobode is full of fine examples of neoclassical and Baroque renaissance architecture (and I’m slowly learning to recognise these styles).  Maja wanted me to take a photo of this building because of the majestic little armoured knight you can see at the top there.  I don’t know the name of this building (Serbian friends – help!) but I have seen it described as the Erste Bank or Iron Man Building.

Novi Sad City Hall
Novi Sad City Hall

The first time I saw the Novi Sad City Hall, it literally took my breath away.  It was built in 1895 by architect György Molnár and is in the neo-Baroque style.  Did you know that Novi Sad is twinned with Norwich in England?

Crkva imena Marijinog with flags of Serbia, Vojvodina and Novi SadCrkva imena Marijinog with flags of Serbia, Vojvodina and Novi Sad

I love this shot! It shows the Name of Mary Church with the flags of Serbia, Vojvodina and Novi Sad.  Novi Sad is the capital of Vojvodina province and Serbia’s second largest city.

Street signs in Cyrillic and English, Novi SadStreet signs in Cyrillic and English, Novi Sad

One of the numerous things that I fell in love with in Serbia was Cyrillic so I delighted in taking photos of the streets signs in English and Cyrillic.   In the past two weeks, I have taught myself Cyrillic and am ever so proud of myself!

Map of Novi Sad Map of Novi Sad in Trg Slobode, Novi Sad

Speaking of Cyrillic, you can see at the top of this map of Novi Sad that the city’s name is Нови Сад in Cyrillic.

Statue of  Jovan Jovanović Zmaj and Saborna Crkva, Novi Sad Statue of Jovan Jovanović Zmaj and Saborna Crkva, Novi Sad

Jovan Jovanović Zmaj was a very important Serbian poet.  That is the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George in the background there, known locally as Saborna Crkva.

Corner of Ulica Gimnazijska and Ulica Dunavska, Novi Sad
Corner of Ulica Gimnazijska and Ulica Dunavska, Novi Sad

What I love most about the photo above is not only is it typical of one of the side streets in the city centre but the ever-present graffiti is typical too!  Ulica Gimnazijska translates as Gymnasium Street and Ulica Dunavska means Danube Street.

Ulica Dunavska, Novi SadAlley off Ulica Dunavska, Novi Sad 
Ulica Dunavska, Novi Sad

I wonder if you can lives in any of these little buildings?  That sounds like an absolute dream to me – living in Novi Sad city centre just off Trg Slobode.

Entrance into Dunavski Park, Novi Sad

Dunavski Park, Novi Sad (2)Dunavski Park, Novi Sad (3)

Dunavski Park, Novi Sad (4)Dunavski Park, Novi Sad (5)

Dunavski Park, Novi Sad (6)Dunavski Park, Novi Sad

It was beautiful to walk through such a lovely park and cool down after walking through the streets and city centre of Novi Sad.  It is such an incredibly beautiful city and I would love to return one day.  In fact, I am hoping that “one day” will be next summer.



  1. It all looks incredibly quiet! Your pictures are gorgeous but the last statue is a delight! I seem to be developing a "thing" for statues, but only specific types.

    I'm impressed that you've taught yourself Cyrillic. It must be incredibly difficult. Next: Greek.

  2. I loved this post, Emm.
    Novi Sad looks like an extremely beautiful city!
    Thanks so much for this lovely pictorial tour.

    What glorious shots, too! What rich hues and amazing focus!
    I'm impressed. :)

    Hope you're having a nice day!

    B Xxx

  3. Such neat buildings and lovely streets!

  4. such beautiful photos--and I LOVE the shot of that turtle!

  5. That neo-Baroque architecture, all built in the late 19th century I am assuming, is gorgeous. The town looks well laid out and well looked after.

    But oh dear. The red brick building over the line "Street signs in Cyrillic and English, Novi Sad" is horrible and doesn't fit in at all.

  6. Novi Sad looks like a good place to visit, from looking at your pics it seems to have a nice feel about it.

  7. love the beautiful cultured buildings and the streets look so pretty and quiet. I could sure live there for a while.

  8. love the park....the green and the sun. perfect for relaxing.

  9. beautiful! I love the old architecture.

  10. Beautiful post Emm - it's pretty ignorant of me but I never knew Serbia was so pretty! I envy you and your travels...I think I'm in the wrong blogging sector! Hope you're keeping well Emm, Rich xx

  11. maybe you are a recreational hobby, very menyenangan if we are beautiful and interesting place.
    Your writing is delightful, with a style that makes people feel like being in that place. Very good..

  12. @ Sheila: Ha! I'll have to wait until I go to Greece and fall in love before I start learning to read Greek!! I don't remember it being quiet. I think that is just my (bad) tendency to not photograph people!

    @ Betty: Thank you! It is beautiful and unlike anything I've ever seen before.

    @ Kathy: It was very neat but also full of graffiti!

    @ And Miles To Go: Ha! My husband really liked it too.

    @ Hels: :) Did you know I never noticed that until you pointed it out??

    @ William: I'd really recommend it and it is close to other centres as well so you could do a bit of a road trip.

    @ Tina: I absolutely agree with you! I could see myself living there too.

    @ Lily: It was lovely! I should have taken more time to relax there.

    @ Rich: I had no idea either! I was quite surprised, I must say!

    @ World Tourism: Thank you!

  13. Wow!! Can't believe I missed this one...Beautiful...Super mega-gorgeous!! I can see why you wish to return one day..maybe I'll see you there..thanks for this wonderful series..very sparking and inspiring!

  14. You are NOT telling me you were in Novi Sad the weekend before me surely?? Shh, but you didn't tell them how unbearably grim the walk is from the railway station to the old town - like Coventry on a wet weekend...

  15. That is a very beautiful city! And it happens to be one of Norwich's twin cities. Must make plans to visit there someday. Lovely photos.

    Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

  16. @ Kiki: My heart aches for it!!!! I am hoping to go back next summer but The Husband is not interested.

    @ The Londoneer: Ha! No, I was there in July but I am not as diligent as you are when it comes to blogging. I spread my posts out over the months to cover when I am not on holiday. I stayed in an apartment in the city so luckily did not have to walk from the station!

    @ Joy: Thank you!


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