Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dusk and Bright Lights in Norwich

The Church of St Peter Mancroft

Following the beautiful blue skies and sunshine of the past weekend, I was really convinced that spring was finally here but alas, it is cold and rainy again and it seems that there is no end in sight to this dreary season.  I guess I really shouldn’t complain.  Firstly, there is nothing more dull than English people harping on about the weather but secondly, we should also be thankful.  After 28°c weather in Sarajevo this weekend, it dropped down to 1°c and snowed yesterday!

As I was walking home today, a car sped by and splashed me with the biggest wave of water you can possibly imagine.  Cold and wet, I tried to remind myself that I actually liked the past winter and I shouldn’t let a bit of bad weather get me down.  So I have transported myself back to Norwich, which we visited in December.  Norwich was lovely during the day but it absolutely came alive at night as the sun went down.

The Church of St Peter Mancroft Norwich

I posted about the Church of St Peter Mancroft previously.  The church is situated in the middle of the city, next to the market and across from the city hall.  It is lovely during the day but majestic at night.

Theatre Royal Norwich

I had barely given the Theatre Royal a passing glance when we had walked past it that morning but it took my breath away when we saw it in the twilight.

Norwich City Hal

Likewise, Norwich City Hall had seemed a bit plain in the day but it shone at night.  It was lit up in a variety of different colours and I was happy to capture it all lit up in yellow.

Norwich City Centre and Market

The market had been busy all day but it became festive and exciting by night as vendors served hot drinks and fresh food.  We had a delicious pork belly on fresh bread and brought a regrettably fragrant ripe brie cheese that had been imported from France. 

Norwich at Night

Did you know that Norwich is twinned with Novi Sad in Serbia?  I fell in love with this beautiful city when I visited two years ago and am thrilled to be returning this summer.

What are your favourite cities at night?  Have you ever been somewhat surprised by the beauty of a city at night, when it had been relatively plain during the day?



  1. Love Norwich, my parents lived outside for 20 years, but I have not been back there since the 80s.

  2. Gorgeous sky! I think the most impressive sight I've seen was in Bermuda; the cruise ships dock right against Front Street in Hamilton, and they are completely lit up - towering over, and providing a striking contrast to, the old style pastel buildings of the downtown district.

  3. So many beautiful illuminations that light up the Norwich night. At first I thought that was a fair or carnival in your last picture until I read it is a night market. What a delightful way to shop in the evening! Did you not like the brie cheese? Funny you should ask about cities with night lights as I have just posted in my blog. There are so many cities with beautiful night lights and it's hard to name one.

  4. Norwich is a beautiful city, and I enjoyed your photos. I was surprised at how gorgeous it was when I went last autumn, in fact.

    Regarding the competition, I could suggest you put it on www.loquax.co.uk which is a very widely read competitions site. The procedure for listing a comp is very simple.

  5. that city hall looks gorgeous!

  6. here is also raining for a week almost! I am missing sun, but o course rain is better than this snow in Sarajevo:)

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  7. Love those images, and warm greetings from Amish country. Richard

  8. I can't think of anything much worse than getting splashed by a passing car. On the good side is you were walking home from work and not going to work, that would have been much worse.

    The cathedral is quite impressive at dusk, as are the other buildings too. Shooting more at dusk and early evening is on my list of things to do, but I just never seem to be able to make it happen.

  9. English people, in fact British people talk about the weather I guess because it is so changeable. When I lived in Barbados people did talk about the weather when it changed, such as when there was a downpour and the streets would be flooded. Normally the locals don't talk about it because it never changes that much.

    I think parts of Central London are amazing at night, especially along the river. But my favourite city at night has to be Edinburgh, which is of course incredible beautiful and atmospheric during the day as well.

  10. Dusk is my favourite time of the day. Beautiful photos!

  11. wonderful captures! the market at night is my favorite.

  12. Norwich certainly knows how to make the most of lighting effects! Was that just a normal market of a Christmas one? Evening markets have a magical quality somehow.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Very few places surprise me at night, but there is one town here in Fl called Mount Dora, which is especially amazing at night during Christmas-tons of lights and enormous houses decked to the brim. I love it, especially considering so few people decorate for Christmas here. I think it's the lack of snow which puts us Floridians down in the dumps.

  15. This should be a place full of history and modern legends.

    I know Norwich, because of Premier League.

  16. What a beautiful place and photos!

  17. Been to Norwich few times when I stayed in Lowestoft during college time. Cities in Britain are great places to visit.


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