Out & About in Edinburgh: A Whirlwind Visit

I recently took a whirlwind, thirty-six hour visit to Edinburgh to see my university friends Nic and Sarah who were visiting from South Africa. I flew up on the Tuesday morning from London City Airport and returned, thirty-six thousand steps later, on Wednesday evening.

There were so many interesting things to see as we pottered about. These were some of my favourites sights.

Six pigeon statuettes stand in front of a clock in Edinburgh

There are two things you'll see if you drive around the Scottish lowlands - heather and grouse. Naturally, I thought these little statuettes were grouse but I was wrong! Located on Leith Walk, they are pigeons and were sculpted by Shona Kinloch.

Don't you love the clock in the background? I love the standing clocks seen in towns and cities around the world.

Album covers hanging from the ceiling

We popped into Vinyl Villains for a look around. This tiny store was a collector's treasure trove, full of both vintage and current vinyl, CDs and even VHS tapes.

Pretty Houses in Edinburgh

We walked up Windsor Street and stopped to admire these pretty houses.

Greenside Parish Church, Edinburgh

I was very amused to see Greenside Parish Church because I went to Greenside High School in Johannesburg. Many suburb names in Jo'burg come from Scotland including Blairgowrie, where I lived, and Craighall, where I went to primary school.

Rooftops seen from Calton Hill, Edinburgh

We walked up Calton Hill, which I'll tell you all about in my next post, and enjoyed views for miles.

Tomb of Mary, Queen of Scots, National Museum of Scotland

On our second day, we visited the National Museum of Scotland where I saw a cast of the tomb of Mary, Queen of Scots. The original lies in Westminster Abbey.

Scott Monument, Edinburgh

This was my second visit to Edinburgh and the first time I managed to get a decent photo of the Scott Memorial. I blame it on the unpredictable weather and the fact that monuments and buildings aren't whitewashed in Edinburgh like they are in London. It was established in 1994 that cleaning the Scott Monument would do more harm than good.

Did you know that the Scott Monument is dedicated to Sir Walter Scott, author of Waverley and Ivanhoe? I didn't until this trip. I thought it was the 'Scot monument' and a dedication to the people of Scotland.

Edinburgh Sign at Edinburgh Airport

Another sight I'd previously failed to capture - and I've been to Edinburgh airport three times - was the Edinburgh sign. Last time there were tons of people in front of it and none of them were my loved ones!

In the next posts, I'll tell you all about our trip up Calton Hill, a ghost tour, a very pretty street, and a visit to the Scottish National Gallery. In the meantime, you can read all about my previous visits to Scotland and the lovely towns we visited.

3 comments on "Out & About in Edinburgh: A Whirlwind Visit"
  1. Thank you on taking me on your tour to Edinburgh, a city I haven't visited for many years.

    We have always stopped short of the border in Northumberland and Newcastle. Both are well worth an adventure :-)

  2. So many beautiful photos from one of my favourite cities, Mandy. I am glad to see you had a great time with your friends. I lived down the Leith Walk and walked up and down a million times during my time in the city, but don't remember the lovely sculpture of pigeons by Shona Kinloch being there. It must be fairly new. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day :) Aiva xx

  3. Thank you for sharing Edinburgh with us. I have only ever had two very fleeting visits, so all you are showing is new to me


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