Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Striking Street Art in Shoreditch

Street art showing a woman hugging a can of spray paint and saying "I Love the Smell of Spray Paint in the Morning"

The best thing about visiting the East End is that it is a haven for street art and you will always spot new art on each visit.

We spotted these pieces on the day we went to Lost in Light exhibition. I think Cept’s “I Love the Smell of Spray Paint in the Morning” is perhaps my favourite street art of all time.

A woman and a boy walk past a wall covered with various pieces of street art

Street art in Shoreditch with a Palestinian flag saying "The World is Watching"

A goose and a turkey square off in street art by Nush Poke

I love this avian art by Nush Poke.

On the left, four photos of diverse London residents are fixed to a wall. On the right, street art by Da Costa showing a snail looking to buy a shell that is for sale

A panel of five posters for Nosferatu seen in London's East End

Not strictly street art, but I had recently watched Nosferatu.

The tube trains and "Let's Adore and Endure Each Other" mural with updated murals below

I’ve always loved the tube trains and “Let’s Adore and Endure Each Other” art. Now there is a fascinating set of murals below – click on the image to see the detail. It’s quite exquisite.



  1. I admire street art and often the artist is recognized by its style. Sometimes their "message" is spot on. What a great selection you show us and I totally enjoyed your "you may also enjoy" recommendations. This kind of art brightens up the walls in general.
    Have a wonderful day.

    1. I agree. I love seeing otherwise drab and unloved areas brightened up by murals and street art

  2. There is a lot to be said for this kind of art, Mandy, no matter whatever else others might think. I'm a huge fan of it and saw a lot of it in Morlaix and Lorient, Brittany, France, last year. It all tells a story and is very creatively executed. So, thanks for sharing, since I'm a fan! Above "The world is watching" art it looks like a depiction of The Last Supper. Did you happen to get a photo of that? I'd love to see it, if so.

    1. Yes! Well spotted - here is another view of that wall - Link

  3. Thank you for sharing these, Mandy. I am a fan, too. Bristol is another great place for street art, especially in Bedminster

    1. Oh, Bristol has marvellous street art, I agree!

  4. i love street art, Mandy, and the ones you show are as good as they come. i imagine overtime they will get replaced with newer and more relevant content.

  5. J'adorerais être là ...
    Que du beau travail
    Merci pour ce partage
    Bonne journée

  6. Succumb to the Darkness is very powerful art.


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