Friday, August 22, 2008

Exhibition: Doctor Who at Earl's Court.

On Saturday, Stephen and I decided to go to the Doctor Who exhibition at Earl's Court. As is plainly obvious from the very first picture, I was in Mandy-heaven. I took a picture of just about every monster and hero and I am going to blame the very last pictures on the batteries failing in my camera. They had nothing to do with me jumping out of my skin and squealing like a little girl when the Daleks came alive and started shooting at me.

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

A collage of Tenth Doctor photos *Sigh* Isn’t he lovely?

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Zu-Zana (of Trine-E and Zu-Zane fame) [Bad Wolf]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

The future Jack Harkness: The Face of Boe [The End of the World, New Earth and Gridlock]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Big Ben as destroyed [Aliens of London]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Eek! A Slitheen [Too many to mention and a favourite in Sarah Jane Adventures too]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Evil, evil Sycorax [The Christmas Invasion]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

One of the Sisters of Plenitude or Cat People [New Earth and Gridlock]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

The excellent Zoe Wanamaker as Lady Cassandra [The End of the World and New Earth]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Abzorbaloff (he who absorbed Moaning Myrtle) [Love and Monsters]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

The absolutely terrifying Empress of the Racnoss [The Runaway Bride]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

The telescope [Tooth and Claw]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

My darling little K9 - first seen in 1977 [School Reunion and Journey’s End]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

A Witch or Carrionite [The Shakespeare Code]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

One of my favourites - a Clockwork Repair Droid [The Girl in the Fireplace]

From my absolute favourite Doctor Who episodes ever (the episodes responsible for introducing me to the talented and lovely Harry Lloyd.

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

The Scarecrows [Human Nature and The Family of Blood]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

A Cyberman [The Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, Doomsday]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Judoon [Smith & Jones, The Stolen Earth]

Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck.

Blink was one of my favourite episodes ever.

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Weeping Angel [Blink]

From the episode where David Tennant met his girlfriend Georgia Moffett who is literally young enough to be his daughter. Wait, she is his daughter. Yuck. (She plays the Doctor's daughter and is the real life daughter of the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison).

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Hath [The Doctor’s Daughter]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Sontaran [The Sontaran Strategem and The Poison Sky]

The two pictures were taken immediately before and after the Daleks began shouting and shooting at me. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures from the period of time I spent cowering on the floor.

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008


Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Eek! There are three of them! EXTERMINATE!

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

A Heavenly Host [Voyage of the Damned]

Doctor Who Exhibition Earl's Court 2008

Bannakaffalatta [Voyage of the Damned]



  1. Emm... found you through Plane Ride... I lived in Cardiff when they were filming the 9th Doctor. My car is in one of the Cybermen episodes. We lived across the street from the WWII episode hospital (are you my mummy). I don't have cable here in the States, so I watch on-line or youtube. i've missed lots of episodes.

    thanks for sharing the pix!

  2. I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment - I was so behind! It must have been really exciting to see the filming and everything, I would have been in my element!!
    Your blogs are really pretty!

  3. I am insanely jealous. When is this coming to the US? Probably never. DAMN.
    - Fantastic Forrest

  4. @ Forrest: It was a massive exhibition! Why did you post anonymously??

  5. Emm, I wanted to thank you for the pics! I am a big fan of Dr. Who! I live in Florida and envy you living in England. Of all the places I have been in the world, the one area I wanted to visit the most is the U. K.! It however, is the one place I have never made it to. If I were to get my wish it would be to retire in England. By the way, I found your blog because of the "Blogs of Note" status. I am sorry but mine isn't too interesting, not to mention very new. I use mine mostly as a means of venting frustrations regarding whatever happens to set me off at the time. Thanks for a wonderful blog and window into the place I would love to be!

  6. I found you on the Blogger Blogs of Note and had to see this because my husband and I LOVE Dr Who -- it was so fun looking at your photos! And my favorite episode ever from these new ones is the "Don't Blink" one - that still scares me every time I watch it. Even that statue in the picture is creepy.

  7. @ Silver Wolf: Don't ever apologise about your blog! It is your space and as long as you're pleased with it, that is all that matters! Good luck with your dream to retire here! Funnily enough, Florida s one of the places I would consider moving (when I get tired of the cold here).

    @ Rosemarie: Wasn't "Don't Blink" just the most awesome episode??!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. A friend of mine sent me your link. Awesome exhibit. Thanks for sharing the pics. I've been a big fan of Dr Who for many years. The new episodes are "Fantastic!"


  9. @ Stan: Thanks for stopping by! I am glad to meet so many other Doctor Who fans!

  10. Wow, these pictures are AWESOME! I really wanted to visit but I didn't get the chance while I was in the UK so it's really nice to see what was inside the exhibition! Thank you so much for posting these! XD *fangirly squealing ensues, especially after seeing the picture of the stone angel*

  11. @ Anna: heh! The stone angel was one of my favourite baddies! Excellent episode.

  12. Apparently there's a Doctor Who exhibition in Wales at the moment. We're visiting at the end of the month :-)

  13. Oh, do enjoy it John! It is a really fabulous exhibition!

  14. have you been watching the latest reboot? I love me some Matt Smith. So handsome! He always makes me smile.

  15. @ The Proper Mood: Hiya! Of course I've been watching the new season! I agree with you - I love Matt Smith.


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