Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Meeting Up

Today, I met with the lovely lady of Just A Plane Ride Away for lunch at the Southwark Tavern.  It was so nice to meet up finally and we had a lovely time.  We agreed that we'd have to do it again someday as I need to return the favour.  Thank you JaPRA!

It was such a nice and sunny day.  I almost came close to complaining at one stage that the sun was shining in my eyes!  Sacrilege! 

This was the second Wednesday in a row that I have gone out at lunch time.  It makes such a nice change to go out and not stay stuck in the office. Unfortunately, with the library having closed for refurbishments, there is nowhere free to go in this cold season but soon we'll be able to sit in the park. Still, I think I am going to try escape the office at least once a week from now on.  



  1. It really does you good to get out of the office. I was dreadful for working through my lunch hour when I was office bound, but when I did get out, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even a quck turn around the block is good.

  2. Good on you, make it a habit of getting out fo the office for a while everyday, even if it is just for a walk. You'll have much more energy if you do this for the rest of the day.

  3. It was lovely meeting you as well. We really couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! Hope to see you soon :-) XO

    PS You're so close to the Thames, a brown bag lunch and a nice book would be a wonderful outing now that we seem to be (dare I say it?) approaching Spring?

  4. Wow. Tell us the story next time? hehe

  5. @ Sheila: Isn't it terrible how we find ourselves working through lunch hours day after day! At my interview my supervisor made sure she mentioend that I must feel free to take my lunch hours even if no one else does and look at me now!!

    @ Martin: It has been such a welcome break and the effects seemed to last a couple of days. I'll definitely og out every wednesday at least now.

    @ JaPRA: Yes, I do hope we meet up again soon! What a nice, romantic idea about the Thames!

    @ RoNald: Heh. You're not suggested I tell you the story of what we chatted about at lunch surely??? That is a secret between us girls! What is said at lunch stays at lunch!

  6. Southwark tavern's buildings is SO beautiful Ann, it's just a pity that I don't have enough money to visit London, but one day i will do.

  7. @ Pule: There are lots and lots of beautiful, old buildings in England. It is a treat to see!

  8. I cannot wait for spring & summer and be able to get out to the park on lunch breaks :o)

  9. @ Ivanhoe: I know!! I cannot wait to see everyone's photos too as we all come out of hibernation!

  10. I am very jealous.

    Checking plane fare to London....

    Maybe next summer we three can have lunch.

  11. Ahh... Borough Market. I love those burgers. Will often grab one while I go look around for the next one. A visit during weekends would make a good photo op.

    C K

  12. congratulations! It is an enjoyable time to meet up with fellow bloggers.

  13. @ Forrest: I would love to meet up with you if you came to London! It's a pity you're on the other side of the country because I'll be in New York in June!

    @ C K: I had falafel last time I was there - yum! I never venture there on weekends on account of seeing it every weekday. There is a great bar that shows movies on Borough High Street that I would love to visit one day but I just can't bring myself to go back to "work" on the weekends!

    @ DL: It is fun, isn't it? I liked when all you bloggers went to the conservatory and then you all came up with different photos.

  14. You don't get out of hanging with me that easily. :-) We're heading to NYC in late June. When will you be there?

  15. @ Forrest: Hee! This could work! I am arriving 21 June at lunch time and coming home 28 June.

  16. Emm - we should correspond on this. My email address is on my profile. Drop me a line at your convenience. I'm excited at this prospect!



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