Saturday, March 28, 2009

Archive: Seven Years Ago Today

As you're reading this, I will be touching down in OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg after a long, exhausting and uncomfortable flight. I'll be in South Africa for ten days and will have very little time to check emails and blogs.

Today is a very important day for me though as it is my 7th wedding anniversary. I'm going to take the opportunity over the next ten days to upload photos from our wedding and our honeymoon in Spain and London.

Ste and I got married on 28 March 2002 at Shumba Valley Lodge, north of Johannesburg. These are the official wedding photos so naturally I didn't take them because, um, I am in them. You can click on all the photos for more detail.

My brother walked me down the "aisle". We got married outside and walked right around the beautiful blue swimming pool at the lodge.

The wedding party My bridesmaids, my brother and I
The priest, ring bearer Aidan, flower girl Kayla, bridesmaids Heather and Caryl, Chris and I

Pachelbel's Canon played as I walked down the "aisle"

Thanks to the photographer, we were 45 minutes late for the ceremony. I was wearing the veil Ste's mum Robyn wore when she got married.

This is my favourite photo of all. Of course, the priest nearly lynched the photographer for calling to me in the middle of our vows. Ste's brother Donald is next to him.

I nearly lynched the photographer for calling to me during our first dance.

It was a full moon on the day of our wedding which is meant to be good luck.

Flowers LaughCake The Garter

We had a lot of fun at the wedding too! The flower lady put dragonflies in all the flower arrangements because she heard they were on the invitations - what a lovely touch! Stephen had Chris hold up laugh prompts during his speech so everyone would laugh at his jokes! The cake was beautiful and we still have some!! And Stephen was very skilled in retrieving the garter belt with his hands tied behind his back.



  1. It is truly a great wedding setup. BTW Congratulation for your anniversary May you have lot of years to come.

  2. @ Jessie: Thank you! Thanks for stopping by. I am off to visit your blogs now.

  3. I love weddings! Thank you for inviting us to yours on your 7th wedding anniversary. I love the "finally" photo. You both look so happy :-)

  4. Glad you haven't got the seven year itch!

    Great set of photographs, wedding are always a great joy to see.


  5. Oh, happy anniversary to you and have a marvelous trip.
    The pictures were amazing. You were such a beautiful bride, the wedding was lovely and you both look so happy which is the best part of all.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you and Hubby...Great post..lovely pictures and write up.
    Safe travels and you all keep well.

  7. Hope you will enjoy your stay in our country Emm.

  8. The finally photo is just awesome. It's says it all, "finally" we are together and we will share the dreams and sorrow of the journey that we are about to embark on.

  9. Oh, how wonderful.
    Thanks for sharing, and congratulations with your anniversary.

  10. You are so beautiful and I absolutely love your dress. Happy anniversary!

  11. Oh happy anniversary Emm. I hope you have a safe stay and I can't wait to see the photos when you get back. God bless.


  12. Aw, what a wonderful wedding you had :)

  13. I'm glad he did call to you during the vows - it's a great pic and unique.

  14. Congratulations, and great photos. What memories!

  15. @ JaPRA: Really? I'm not too keen on weddings but the one we went to in South Africa was the best wedding I've ever been a guest at.

    @ Martin: Ha! Ste supports my unhealthy celebrity obsessions so I guess there is no need for a seven-year itch!

    @ Mountain Woman: Thank you, thank you, thank you! We're still happy most of the time too which is great!

    @ Baron: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    @ Gauteng: It was a great trip, I must say. I don't have as many photos as I wanted to get but I'll upload what I have soon!

    @ Laane: Hi, thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed the pics.

    @ Lidian: ha! I was beautiful, I guess. I'm older and wider now!

    @ Jodi: Thanks! I hope to upload photos from our trip soon.

    @ Mharms: Thank you and happy anniversary for Sunday!

    @ 52 Faces: Hi - thanks for stopping by! It was definitely a good shot...

    @ Stefan: Thank you! What great memories indeed!


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