Saturday, April 04, 2009

Archive: Sohail Castle, Fuengirola, 2002

As a wedding present, my Dad paid for Stephen and I to go to Fuengirola, Andalucia, Spain for a week.  Fuengirola is on the Costa del Sol and we stayed at Las Piramides Hotel.  (Two months after our honeymoon, a Basque separatist bomb went off right outside the hotel).

The day after we went to the Alhambra Palace was actually warm and sunny.  For about an hour.  It was glorious!

We went up to the Sohail Castle, one of Fuengirola's biggest and most famous landmarks.

I found it absolutely fascinating that they could not give us the full history of the castle!  I have been so spoiled with English and South African history dating back to the dawn of mankind (!) that it seems almost inconceivable to me that a castle could exist and we wouldn't truly know where it came from.

See, there were sightings of a castle at this site around 1000 AD but archaeological digs on site have shown that the castle dates back much earlier than that.  The present construction dates back to the 12th century AD and the history is still quite sketchy running through the 15th to 17th centuries.  Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining in the slightest bit because visiting this castle was one of the most wonderful adventures I've taken, but it makes me appreciate our rich sense of history dating back thousands of years.

Sohail Castle Sohail  Castle




  1. After seeing all the wonderful castles of the UK and Ireland and France, it was very odd for me to realize that virtually all of the colonial buildings in Williamsburg are reconstructions.

    Thanks for sharing these pics. One of these years, I hope to get the fam down to the Costa del Sol.

  2. Lots to see there Emm, glad this time it wasn't raining.

  3. It looks as though there are some sort of shack-like buildings inside the castle. It seem a bit of a shame that they don't restore it, but perhaps they are doing. At least not let it deteriorate any further.

  4. That just whetted my apetite for the grand med cruise in October :o)

  5. Real castles are rather mind-blowing!

  6. Hi Emm:
    I just wanted to say Happy Easter & let you now that I had to move. You can find me at:

  7. Ivanhoe,
    If you're checking follow-up comments, I just wanted to remind you that the profile linked to your old site shows your new blog link. Thus, you've left a "forwarding address" for everyone who read your old blog....

  8. This is great, thanks for sharing this story with us.
    happy easter to you and Hubby

  9. I would have loved to see this. I'm so jealous.

  10. Hope that you had a wonderful time in South Africa!

    You've won an award! Please see for details.

    Best wishes,


  11. What an interesting post! Your pictures are fantastic and it amazes me that you couldn't get the castle's first history as well! Growing up in the US, where nothing is over 300 years old, the idea that something has been around so long that no one remembers its exact origin shocks me! I had never even heard of this castle before. Thank you for sharing.

  12. It's a lovely trip - and a honeymoon trip at that. Congratulations!

    I loved the pictures.


  13. Just thinking of you Emm. I hope all is well. God bless.

  14. Emm, what a lovely and thoughtful father you have! And so sad about the hotel. I'm glad you were safe.

    I love all the history I've learned here in England. It's one of the pleasures of living in this country for sure :-)

  15. @ Forrest: Oh yes, I have heard complaints before about how many buildings in the US were torn down. It is a pity but you do have some awesome architecture remaining!

    @ Martin: I know! It was our first sunny day that week!

    @ Sheila: I am sure they are still planning on doing some restorations. They were certainly trying to raise money when we visited and there seems to be a lot on the internet about it these days.

    @ Ivanhoe: Oh yes! I cannot wait for photos from your cruise! Thank you for the link to your new blog!

    @ Sharkbytes: Hi there. Thanks for stopping by - I am used to seeing you at Adgitize. I hope to visit more UK castles soon, like Leeds Castle. Will definitely post pics.

    @ Baron: Glad you liked it - thank you!

    @ Lauren: I am sure you must see amazing things in your line of work though - and I am certain you will see good things if you do go to Turkey.

    @ Roz: Thanks again for my reward!

    @ Xoán-Wahn: Welcome to my blog! I am glad you liked the pics. You need to visit South Africa - the Cradle of Humankind is there and we have remains dating back thousands and thousands of years!!

    @ Marilynne: Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog! I am glad you enjoyed the pictures.

    @ Jodi: Hi there - hope you are well m'dear.

    @ JaPRA: I must say, my interest in history is whet even more each time I visit these amazing places!


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