Sunday, May 03, 2009

Day Trip: Oxfordshire

Last Saturday I took a quick trip up to Oxfordshire to visit some friends.

Magdalen College
Magdalen College

First, I stopped by Oxford itself and had lunch with my lovely friend Tenderhooligan.  It was a gloriously sunny day and we walked into Oxford High Street and had lunch at the All Bar One.  I had a haloumi kebab and it was absolutely yummy; I think Tenderhooligan had the rib eye steak sandwich and that was yummy too.

We had a great time but it was too short and over too soon.  Oxford is rapidly becoming one of my favourite cities and hopefully we’ll get to visit again before the summer is over.  I definitely want to go boating on the river!  Then again, we could always visit the lovely Hawkwell House Hotel over Christmas again like we did last year.  I have really fond memories of the cosy warm and Christmassy atmosphere there last year.

The Queen's College

The next stop on my quick tour was to visit some fellow South African friends in Bicester (pronounced ‘Bister’) which is a little town north east of Oxford.  We only had time for a quick cup of tea before I drove back first to Guildford, Surrey to pick up Stephen and have some Chinese and then we were off home.  I was so tired after travelling for the better part of five hours that day that I slept for over 12 hours that night!  Shoo! Driving around fair England can be tiring.



  1. I had a lovely time too! Those pictures came out well!

  2. I enjoy quick trips. I would probably slept like a baby as well. Our bodies know what they need :o)

  3. I went to Oxford twice last fall with 2 different sets of visitors and saw all different things each time. What a lovely place it is! You're so lucky to be able to bop up there for the day!

  4. Oh I envy you your area's history! The old churches, buildings, even the old streets are incredible :)

  5. Hi Emm,
    I;m more aof a Cambridge man myself and only went Oxford once forew a job interview. I didn't get time to see much and didnt' get the job! It looks pretty good fro your account.

  6. Very pretty! It's nice to have blue sky photos to look back on :-)

    I love kebabs!

  7. Hi Emm. I just love it when you take us on your trips. It is so beautiful there, thank you for sharing. God bless.


  8. Although you were so tired for a quick five hours travel in a day,what's important was that you enjoyed it with your friends and you were able to took some beautiful photos.

  9. @ TH: I know! I was so pleased. I'll have to visit again to both take a ride up the river on one of those boats and also photograph the boats too.

    @ Ivanhoe: Definitely! And I am never one to argue with my need to sleep. I *love* sleeping.

    @ Kathy: I agree - but isn't that the spirit of both our blogs, that we are always fortunate to go to places like this if we just wear the eyes of a tourist?

    @ Meghann: Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your blogs look quite interesting. Is your area of the world relatively new?

    @ Martin: I must get to Cambridge one day. We were meant to go as part of our road trip but we ran out of time and energy. My cousins both went to Cambridge.

    @ JaPRA: You have to try these kebabs then - my mouth is still watering for them! Maybe I will put some on the barbeque when I have one...

    @ Jodi: Glad you enjoyed the trip!

    @ Patrice: Thanks for stopping by! Is that your own photography on your blog?


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