Friday, July 17, 2009

Blogger Blog of Note

How exciting! Yesterday I got home from work to find that my inbox had gone crazy!  Emm in London was the Blogger Blog of Note for 16 July 2009. 

Scores of people have visited Emm in London, left comments and joined as members and I’m slowly going through and visiting people’s blogs in return.  It has been lovely and very kind of people to take the time.

Thank you Blogger (and bloggers)! You made my day.


I would recommend following the Blogger Twitter feed where you can find out about known issues and the Blogs of Note:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, very happy for you. I wonder how they decide who to pick :) Anyway, you have a nice blog, you deserve it. Carry on with the good blogging. :)

  3. I didn't know you were the blogger of note, congrats. I'd stopped by, my first time, to read about the Empire State building :-).

  4. Congrats on being a blog of note!

    I found your blog yesterday when I saw it listed, and I've really enjoyed reading your posts! :)

  5. Congratulations on being a Blog of Note!

  6. you got what you deserve.. your blog really cool.. i suppose my blog should be like this..

  7. visit u for first time
    enjoy blog

  8. You have a really nice travelblog here, with some great photos, you deserve the accolade.

  9. Be sure to check out the Churchill arms pub in Kensington.

  10. I liked the article on Doctor Who. Unfortunatly, I don't have cable or sattelite. I used to live in a condo in Atlanta, Georgia, and the condo association got us cable. I watched a few Doctor Who episodes. By the way, I like your pics.

  11. Congrats! I found your blog because it ws a blog of note, and I love it! If you ever get a chance check out mine

  12. I'm very happy to see you've been the new chosen one! I know how hard you've worked over the past couple of months to get this site the way you wanted it.


  13. hi there...i can see in your blog, London is beautiful City

  14. Olá amiga! Tens um lindo espaço com belas fotos, porém se colocares um tradutor, ficará melhor para entender e comenter.



  15. How fantastic! I have the travel bug... but for now I'll be living vicariously thru you!

  16. V. attractive personal blog

  17. @ Praveen: glad I could be of use!

    @ MKL: You can always send them a message on Twitter to ask them to look at your blog!

    @ Mary: Really? How did you find it then, if I may be so cheeky to ask? Thank you for visiting and commenting!

    @ Meg: Thank you! I'm also a Taurus!

    @ Wasabi King, irwandiaz & attayaya: Thank you!

    @ Jane: Why thank you. I am enjoying your L&O blog!

    @ darkman: Ha! I don't make it to pubs very often at all I'm afraid!

    @ Dean C: Oh I LOVE Doctor Who. I have done so literally all my life!

    @ Beautiful Disaster: Thank you! Off to your blog now.

    @ Phoenix: Thank you!! It has been fun, albeit... interesting replying to all the comments and reading all these fabulous new blogs!

    @ Jali, Rosemildo, Dawn and Amer: Thank you all very much!

  18. hi,..i read your blog. it is so nice to read..good for you to have it..congrat's..i hope that you will teach me how to post some blog like your's someday, because it's my first time..thank you...

  19. Hi Emm,

    Lovely shots you took there, NY Times Square is looks amazing. You must be having cracker of a time over there.

  20. Congrates for the Blogger Blog of Note for 16 July 2009

  21. @ Mharshmallow: You'll get there. Just focus on quality not quantity and keep consistent.

    @ The Cowgirl: Why thank you m'dear!

    @ Pule: I'm home! Pooh. I got home a couple of weeks ago and am still catching up at the same time as getting back into life and work.

    @ Indian: Thank you!

  22. Hi Emm, first off congrats on being nominated "Blog of Note!! great achievement. Love your blog ...... am looking fwd to seeing your posts on South Africa. I am a fellow South African based in Gauteng.
    Like you, I too run more than one blog (at times I think I'm crazy, but hey!?!?!)
    Thinking Aloud is topical - thoughts, inspirations and I always slot in South Africa...
    "chat soon"!

  23. Nice to see that with a visit in a blog, we can make happy other people :)

  24. Congratulations. Enjoy to visit your blog. Please show me how to get listed in the blog of note. Thank you and good luck.

  25. @ Gena: Hi, thanks for commenting. Sorry for the long time in replying - I am still trying to catch up after the huge amount of comments that came my way after "Blog of Note". If you click at the side, you can visit the South African posts but unfortunately I don't intend going back until at least 2011.

    @ Italo: Yes, it can be very rewarding.

    @ Ahmadzul: Write good quality, original, consistent articles and then contact Blogger on Twitter. The link is at the bottom of the page.


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