Friday, October 02, 2009

New York day 5: Interlude in Central Park

I never intended for my tales of New York to continue into October but then I don’t think I could ever have predicted that I would take over 500 photos and do so much or that I would be moving house again so soon!  I have about 48 hours left of my New York trip to report and then I can start planning my next trip in earnest!  I am not entirely sure I want it all to end though!

The Lake, Central Park, 25 June 2009

After the Natural History Museum, I took a walk through Central Park and got slightly lost!

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, 25 June 2009

Which is not a bad thing because I got to see the beautiful Lake and the stunning Bethesda Fountain.  I could move to New York just for Central Park alone!

One day I will take the time to boat across the Lake or take a ride in a horse-drawn carriage.



  1. Hi Emm just been catching up on a few Big Apple posts. Don't you just love the place? Its so vibrant. Glad to see you packed in so much and the photographs are great.

  2. lovely!!
    the horse-drawn carriage in particular! :) how common a sight is that there?

  3. Ah, but it is so nice to see summer skies now that we've entered the wet season here!


  4. Only been to NYC once, but loved the Park. I have a number of shots on Flickr.

  5. Wow, what a lovely lake it is! I am busy and worn out in the office. But when I maximise the first photo you posted, I felt I was just there enjoying the breeze and slight sunny. What a relief!
    Tomorrow is The Moon Festival in Taiwan. Happy Moon Festival to you all.

  6. Central park is one of my favorite places in NYC. I have to go there soon, it's so beautiful during Fall! :)

  7. I'm loving your trip around New York City so much. Thanks for sharing this journey with us. Have a great weekend! :)

  8. I am also enjoying your trip to NYC very much! Don't pay any attention to the calendar! Very nice photos and stories to accompany them.

  9. I loved walking through Central Park and recognizing so many places that I had seen in movies. Did you walk through the bit next to the fountain that has all of that tile work then the steps up? I love that part.

  10. I know how you feel about not wanting the recap to end. I hope I'm *never* finished organizing my London photos because they bring back such great memories. And I might not ever be finished, since I took so many!

  11. Hi Emm

    Amazing lake and this horse drawn carriage too good.

  12. WOW EMM, the photo with the Bethesda fountain. You know I dream with you about NY and I would like to be there, with my diary, to write down something, drink my coffee and listen to my music with the mp3 player. Thank you :)

  13. Central Park seems like a great place to go for a breather from the craziness of the city. But from what I have heard there can be quite a few crazies found wandering around in Central Park....

  14. I adore CP. The carriage rides, the fountain. It's just so New York.

  15. Your pictures of Central Park show views I haven't ever seen before. It looks good.

  16. Hi Emm! :)

    I have just posted an award for you in my blog. Come by and check it! :)



  17. wow I love your blog! Stumbled upon it from Pule's Joburg Daily Photo blog. I was last in the big apply in 2006 and really managed to experience a lot that this fantastic city has to offer. The buzz and excitement of it is something that Joburg could certainly take after!

  18. Hiya Emm ... hopefully the move went as planned.

    These photos are just beautiful ... and you've done such a great job with links etc.

    Not been to NYC (well you can't really count being stuck at the airport can you?) ... would LOVE to go though. How many days were you there for ... and was it long enough?

  19. Hey,

    Hope you trip to NYC is going well

    People are talking about travel and London over at

    You should swing by and check it out.


  20. it's a beauty, isn't it? yeah, you never ever mind it if you get lost in central park. but then again, because the park is soooooo huge, i didnt get to see bethesda fountain...favorite location shot for such great movies as "One Fine Day" and "It Could Happen To You."

  21. @ Mike: I certainly packed in a lot - it sometimes exhausts me still to see how much I apcked into a day!

    @ Ash: Quite common and there are rickshaws too.

    @ JaPRA: I know!! But I need to finish posting before the images become completely incongruous!!

    @ John: I love your New York album!! Your photography is so very interesting!

    @ Chen Yin Tzu: Happy (Belated) Moon Festival! If you'd like a full sized, unwatermarked copy of the picture for your desktop, just let me know!

    @ Lilian: Oh, I can just imagine it would be gorgeous in fall! I'm jealous!

    @ Dori: The pleasure is all mine!

    @ Carolyn: Thank you!! I would like to finish one day though!

    @ Julia: I didn't go right up to the fountain, no. :( I think I was in a hurry to get to the Met.

    @ Kathy: :) At least you write nice, current posts inbetween so we get to see that you don't spend all your time pining for London!!

  22. [takes deep breath]

    @ Manmohan: Yes, it was really pretty!

    @ Italo: That was the best think about Central Park! Just being able to sit there and just be...

    @ William: I think I may have been the craziest person there!

    @ Lauren: Too true!! I wonder if I would appreciate it so much if (when?) I moved there?

    @ Sixmats: It is good! I think Central Park must be one of those places that you'd always find something new!

    @ Lilian: Thank you for the reward! I am notoriously bad for breaking chains but we'll see...

    @ Tom: Thanks so much for popping by and for commenting! I was just wondering this morning if I'd ever be able to experience the cosmopolitan atmosphere of London or New York in Johannesburg (or Sandton)? I think it comes down to public transport, I really do!

    @ Suzy: I was there for one week from Sunday to Sunday. Considering the pace at which I rushed around, I would say that it was definitely enough but next time I go, I'd like to spend more time with my husband sitting in cafes and in parks. I went alone this time hence I was able to choose my own pace. (Oh, and the move went just fine, thanks!)

    @ Dan: Hiya! The trip was over long ago sadly. :( But I did enjoy it! Unfortunately, the site you linked to is slow, full of bugs and made my browser hang so that I almost lost this comment. I won't be visiting again.

    @ mama Mia: That is one of the best things about having gone to New York - I now recognise all of the sites in films and television!

  23. Newyork city is amazing and I love the picture added...this is very nice informative website.

  24. Emm I am amazed that the famous city looks so green in your photos and the horse drawn carriage looks like it would be a treat and a half. 500 photographs is a true sign that you were totally overwhelmed by the place.

  25. Wow, thanks so much for taking me on your tour Emm. AWESOME!!

    God bless,

  26. @ Anna: Thank you! Maybe one day I will see you in San Diego as I have two friends there now.

    @ Nomad: Oh dear. So do I Nomad and I was only there one week!!!

    @ Martyn: Hiya! Not overwhelmed really - more like infatuated!!

    @ Jodi: It's a pleasure m'dear. Have a fab week!

  27. wow nice photos i remembered my trip in mysore.....


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