Saturday, October 17, 2009

New York day 6: Day Trip to DC

On the Friday morning I woke up at Officially Too Early© Hour and by 6.30am I was standing at Penn Station bus station waiting to catch a coach to Washington DC.  I was tired and my inner body clock was mutinous, claiming to officially not know whether I was coming or going.

The New Jersey Turnpike

While so much of my trip to the States remains crystal clear in my mind, that morning certainly doesn’t and everything I had tried to cram into 7 days was finally catching up on me.  Good thing I had no idea what was lying ahead of me then!  The only thing I remember about the coach ride to Washington DC was how awesome the New Jersey Turnpike was, that there was no one sitting next to me or in the rows before or after me and that it took 4.5 hours.  Oh, and we rode through New Jersey and Maryland to get there and I might even have touched Pennsylvania and Delaware too but it was all a bit of a haze!

7.08am Friday 26 June 2009

Think I’m on the New Jersey Turnpike.  Wow.  What a system.  I’d heard of 9-lane highways before but wow.  That’s just one direction.  On way to DC.

Listening to Tracy Chapman, Angie Aparo and Cat Stevens.  Major iPod FAIL – no Albert Hammond.  That’s impossible.  I’m sure I had him on CD.

Oh, and packed a long-sleeved shirt today for warmth.  Thank goodness.  No umbrella though.  We’ll see how that pans out.

As you can see, I’m just the queen of eloquence and witty repartee when I'm tired.

The bus arrived in Washington DC sometime at 11.15am.  I made my way down 10th Street NW to the Washington Welcome Center where a nice lady gave me a brochure for a sightseeing tour which doubled as a free map.  I then went into the diner next door and had a big old American breakfast and then I felt human again and ready to tackle the day!



  1. Sometimes you just get days like that, and you don' need to go away for them either.

  2. Have a nice time in NY. I like your blog very much! :)

  3. Looking forward to the sights of Washington.


  4. Hi Emm, here I am after another absence, much longer than I wished...
    You were running fast... ;)
    Look forward to seeing DC through your lens...

    Blogtrotter is now at an old spa in Turkey. Enjoy and have a great week!

  5. What a gr8 trip so far... :)

    If you come to PA, Andy Warhol Museum is a must...

    I'd like to visit Eastern State Penitentiary if I went to New York :D


  6. Looking foward to following your trip to Washington DC. :-)

  7. I have always wanted to visit London. I hope one day I will.

    Here I find your blog (from London) and you are visiting many of the places where we have spent time and made memories for our family.

    America is a great county. I am glad you get to see it.

  8. @ John: Ha! I had a whole week like that last week, from missing trains to getting stuck on them when they broke down!

    @ Laura: Thank you! Unfortunately, it is a long time since I returned from NY but hey, I can blog about it forever!

    @ BBE, GMG and Chen Yin Tzu: Thank you. Unfortunately, I have blogger's block and can't seem to get started on my DC posts! They should be up soon!

    @ Dearly Departed: I'll add that onto my list of places to see! I didn't make it outside of DC and Ny on that trip bt one day I will! Your blog rocks! Thank you for your comment.

    @ Cassandra: I hope oyu find your way to London too. It is an amazing city but I have to say, I prefer the States!!


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