Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Liverpool: Quiggins Centre Revived?

Like a phoenix rising up from the flames, it looks like the Quiggins Centre in Liverpool has been revived.  Quiggins was a quirky little shopping centre made up of loads of little alternative, counterculture shops.  Every time I visited Liverpool in the nineties and beyond, my stepmum and I would go along to Quiggins.  Of course, being a Doc-wearing, black-clad coffin kid, Quiggins was the ideal place for me back then and I absolutely loved it.

Quiggins Entrance, originally uploaded by Paul Holloway

Quiggins was under threat of closure for years and years.  I don’t quite understand the legalities of what happened but I believe that some greedy land developers wanted the land that Quiggins was on and it was eventually closed in July 2006.  We had heard that it had reopened and were looking for it when we visited in December but we weren’t successful.  Imagine our happiness then when we saw the following sight on Thursday morning:

This is not the official Quiggins Centre and Wikipedia says that although it houses many of the old occupants, it is not actually associated with the owners of the original centre.  Take a look inside though; it is full of the magic and wonder that we remembered from the old Quiggins Centre:

Grin @ Quiggins

See that t-shirt at the top left?  The black, long-sleeved one?  I would have looooved that back in the day, before Trinny and Susannah told me not to wear clothing with high necklines.

Isn’t it just quaint and kooky? 

On the first floor, there is a vintage dress shop and a dress designers.  I really like that black mini dress on the right.  What a pity I’m not as teeny weeny as I used to be!

Grand Central Hall used to be a Methodist Church and the main hall was amazing.  They were currently building more shops in the main hall but at one stage, I looked up and was so glad that I did.

It’s not a great shot but the photo on the bottom right shows what the hall looked like in its former glory.  Having little stalls and shops there definitely changes the look of the building but if they can maintain some of the features like the organ and the ceiling then it will all be worth it.  I’m also hoping that they will refurbish the gallery and allow people to sit upstairs again. 

It was good to see the old Quiggins traders again.  I didn’t buy anything on that day but seeing as I usually hate shopping and shopping centres, it was good just to browse and to enjoy it!  (Oh, I know I’m a grumpy so and so but seriously, Amazon was launched with me in mind!)

Go to Liverpool, visit Quiggins!

Quiggins Centre, Grand Central Hall, Renshaw Street, Liverpool.



  1. Hi Emm, If you're interested in the true story of what happened to QUIGGINS see http://www.quiggins.com/History/index.html
    or you can always visit QUIGGINS ATTIQUE, this is where Peter Quiggins (the founder of Quiggins) has his new shop


    or see us on facebook

    Liverpool City Council have done all in their power to lead people to believe we just relocated, but Grand Central above who you refer to as the "new Quiggins" has no association with the old Quiggins in School Lane (which was the creation of Peter Tierney aka "Peter Quiggins")When the School Lane building was closed in June 2006 there was no forwarding address for Quiggins
    until a small shop was aquired a few months later in Aigburth, south Liverpool. The owners of Grand Cenral Building seized on an opportunity for a business venture, & used the Quiggins name .................Thats what "Capital of Culture" did for Quiggins!!!!

  2. That does look like an intriguing place (and I love the dresses), but I'm with you about Amazon. As much as humanly possible is done on line. But I have to go to real shops tomorrow.... think of me. :)

  3. Hi Emm would you believe it I had not heard of Quiggins before your post!!

    So much for thinking I know my way around the UK.

    Great shots and info thanks for sharing.

  4. I also like the black mini dress, sooooo cute! Sometimes I surf on line to pick out what I want and buy. How amazing web is! Even I can take a look at Quiggins Centre in Liverpool via your blog. Thanks!
    And thanks a lot for your suggestions visiting England or South Africa. I will go there someday!

  5. I share your feelings about shopping. Part of it might have to do with the fact that those cute dresses never look the same when I try them on in the fitting rooms!

    Hope I can visit Liverpool someday, you make it sound so neat!

  6. One day... Liverpool!

    PS I like that black tee... really no high necklines?

  7. Hi Emm, I'd never heard of Quiggins before now. Mind you I'm not a shopping fan or a Liverpool fan for that matter. You have blogged on this one well and opened a few eyes to what going on there right recently.

  8. This looks like the sort of place that hosts all kinds of small adventures. I live in the U.S., but it would be interesting to watch and eavesdrop on the people who came in for a week. What might we learn? How might we be inspired?

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. I am loving those dresses,although I don't know where I would wear them. Hey, that's no excuse. lol

  10. Emm - Quaint, quirky and Quiggins kind of go together quite well and it's easy to see why. The third and fourth pictures down look like a treasure trove of clothes and bits and pieces. I'd half expect Dr Who to be looking around to perhaps buy something for the warmer planets. A lady who hates shopping, that's almost as strange as the Doctor himself.

  11. @ Anonymous: Yes I know the new centre isn't associated with you and I did mention that in my post but you must remember that in addition to you and the traders who fought the political abttle, there was the fans and the customers. You should encourage keeping the memory alive and stop saying disparaging things about the new centre.

    Oh, and have the courage to leave your name on comments too.

    @ Sheila: Aaaah, I hope your shopping experience wasn't too traumatic!!

    @ Mike: Ha! Isn't it always true - we can travel the world but we don't know our own backyard. That is why I was determined to be a tourist here!

    @ Chen Yin Tzu: Heh. I love seeing other people's worlds through the internet too.

    @ Kathy: It is really neat! I often find that I pick out clothes and they look nothing like what I thought they'd look. Meh.

    @ JaPRA: Yes! Apparently, high necklines make your bust appear larger which is fine if you want it to, I guess!

    @ Martin: Awww, I love Liverpool - it is hard to imagine someone not being a fan!!

    @ Cassandra: Yes! I imagine being a fly on the wall would be an interesting exercise in the Quiggins Centre!

    @ Lauren: Ha ha. I rarely buy dresses because I never, ever wear them. Skirts maybe but mostly slacks.

    @ Martyn: Tee hee. True - it could easily be a set of Doctor Who!! I'm not a typical lady really - I hate cooking too!

  12. Hi there just wondering if anyone know if any of the shops in quiggins would be interested in buying ladies jewellery?? I have been left the contents of my grans house and I have literally four carrier bags full of necklaces,bracelets, rings, and other stuff from the 70s 80s and 90s anyone reading this with a business in quiggins please contact me at heskethrobert@gmail.com thanks Rob H


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