Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Let it snow!

Let it snow!

It’s not often that I’m happy to see snow but I am over the moon tonight!  I’ve been praying all afternoon for the snow to come because for once in my life, I actually have work that I can do from home tomorrow.  It is our financial year end and so I have loads of cross checking that I can do and I emailed all the spreadsheets to myself before I left work today.

Southeastern Railways were being their usual useless selves and had already told us early this afternoon that trains would only be running every half hour tomorrow.  Of course, they neglected to say whereabouts in the hour their ‘half hour’ would start and as trains are generally oversubscribed as it is, I didn’t rate my chances of actually getting on any trains tomorrow.  With the predicted “extreme weather” having arrived, it is doubtful whether they will run at all. 

Snow in Dartford

Wonderful news then… it is a snow day tomorrow!



  1. That looks wonderful, Emm. We got a lot of snow in last couple of days and the snow machine is still on. It took me 2 hours to get to work yesterday *sigh*. But I like watching the snow fall from my living room window (as long as I don't have to drive anywhere ;)

  2. I think a snow day at home is just the best idea ever! Enjoy!

  3. Oh to be in England!!

    That bottom photograph reminds me to stop complaining that its very hot at the moment.

  4. Ah. Love the snow day that means a rest day.

    But I don't like driving in it, shoveling it, or grabbing groceries in the crush right before it.

  5. snow day in London!!! looks gloomy...but i love snow... so cant hel it :-)

  6. Wow...all white is pretty! It doesn't snow in Taiwan. I have ever seen the snow in Japan..chilly! Since your heating is still broken, you have better work by the fireplace or with a lot of blankets.

  7. That snow would have been great...if I was in the UK! Unfortunately we are stuck in Malta as our flight today was cancelled...:-/. (THough the higher temperatures are definitely not something to complain about :P)

  8. Wow Mandy it looks exquisite ... altho i knwo it's cold!!!! Hope you have/ had a great day working from home!

  9. Have a snuggly warm snow day!

    I see that we're scheduled for "Heavy Snow" on Thursday and Sunday. Guess I better stock up on groceries!

  10. That's very pretty! I wish that snow in Chicago meant not having to go to work, but I believe it's supposed to snow storm tomorrow and I'll be pushing through it to get to work :( Enjoy your snow!

  11. I hear Newbury is snowed in... Half of Vodafone is home. Poor things...

  12. I must admit that I'm still bowled over by snow scenes - as long as it's somewhere away from me. Trying to plough through it brings different thoughts into my head.

  13. Great, I love snow days :-) Unfortunately I only live a couple of miles from work so I still have to go in.

    It looks like you've got a similar amount of snow to us (Boston, Lincolnshire). There have been some amazing scenes on the news, I'm jealous.

  14. I just love the snow, but I have to laugh when they call a wee bit of snow extreme weather conditions. They are having a laugh.

    Hopefully there is plenty more to come so I can really get out there and enjoy myself.

  15. That second photo is beautiful! I remember waking up on Jan 5 a year ago to a beautifully snow-covered Bonn. There is nothing more amazing I think.

  16. @ Ivanhoe: Gosh - two hours is ridiculous!

    @ Carolyn: It was glorious! Although, I did work.

    @ Mike: I so need to live somewhere warmer.

    @ Cassandra: Heh. We had to work from home so no rest!

    @ Ash: it wasn't too gloomy.

    @ Ellen: I worked in bed! Best place to be!

    @ Annuca: Did you miss the snow completely or didi you get to see some?

    @ Gena: It usually feels a tad warmer when it snows. It can get really icy.

    @ JaPRA: Did your snow come??

    @ CJ: I know! It is only London that comes to a stand still in the snow!!!

    @ Hevel: Crazy!!

    @ Sheila: The snow wasn't so bad this time as it was all of a suddenly rained away and we didn't have to deal with sludge for prolonged periods of time.

    @ John: I'm super lucky - I live at least 30 mins out of London Bridge by fast train so no walking to work. And then South Eastern play their part by being useless and cancelling trains.

    @ William: I know! You must have seen far worse in your time!

    @ Tom: You make me quite determined to see Germany in the cold! "snow-covered Bonn" sounds glorious!


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