Friday, April 09, 2010

Arriving in the Isle of Wight

The very first impression we had of the Isle of Wight is how beautiful it is!  The sun was shining and it is obvious that spring arrives here earlier as all the daffodils are out already!  We arrived at our bed and breakfast a little early and decided to take a walk down to the nearby cliffs.

Arriving in the Isle of Wight 1

How beautiful is that?  I knew the minute I saw this little pathway that I had to take a walk down it.

 Arriving in the Isle of Wight 2 Arriving in the Isle of Wight 4

The views are just breathtaking.  The weather forecast had been really bad so it was quite a surprise to have such sunny weather!

Arriving in the Isle of Wight 3

We were tempted to take a walk along the cliff path but we didn’t have too much time.

Arriving in the Isle of Wight 7

So we decided to have a cup of tea in a beautiful little cafe overlooking the sea instead.

Arriving in the Isle of Wight 8

The path going down to the beach is closed on that side as the cliff is eroding away.  It is such a pity to think that this beautiful pathway could collapse!  You can see the erosion right in the middle of the photograph.

Arriving in the Isle of Wight 9

Soon it was time to go back to our B&B where this charming little fellow guards the entrance.   We settled in and took a much needed afternoon nap.  The two signs Emm is on holiday: afternoon naps and daily full English breakfasts.



  1. Emm, enjoy your holiday. Full English heh? Don't get much of that here but I like a PM nap now the hot season is on us (39c yesterday).

  2. Emm, enjoy your holiday. Full English heh? Don't get much of that here but I like a PM nap now the hot season is on us (39c yesterday).

  3. looks gorgeous! i'm totally drooling over the warm & sunny's overcast & rainy over here :/
    enjoy your little vaca! :D

  4. i missed the change of going to the Isle of Wight, when a bunch of friends organised a trip there, I chose to work instead, cos i need to earn to survive. Hope to see more photos of the Isle of Wight so I wouldn't miss that much of it :D

  5. Just to let you know I have tagged you for a theme post. If you would like to take part, go to the first folder of your pictures, select and post the 10th photo with a short explanation of what it is etc and then nominate 5 fellow bloggers to do the same {or not}.

    If you feel it doesn't fit with your blog, please ignore.

    Mine is here

  6. Stunning! :-)
    ANd the cup of tea overlooking the lake seems soooo tempting.

    Reminds me of the cafe in Hyde Park overlooking the lake... miss those days :-)

  7. I hope you're having a great time! I could use some R&R myself.

  8. What a beautiful place! It looks a bit like Fairlight in Kent, where we went once. Hope you have a perfect holiday in every way, and look forward to more Isle of Wight posts :)

  9. What a charming little place! Anything by the sea just captures my heart. I hope I can retire by (or on) the beach some day :)

  10. It looks just beautiful! A very nice place to visit, very peaceful....

  11. Lovely place and lovely photos. Quite inspiring, and definitely worth visiting. Isle of Wight is now on my must-visit list!

  12. What a lovely holiday. Do you know that I have never been to a B&B? I am so ready for this kind of relaxation.

  13. I love the photos, it looks so peaceful. I hope you don't mind - I emailed you a request. Thanks!

  14. Isle of Wight seems like a good place to go to get a wee break from life in London. Maybe one of these days I will get myself over there.

  15. Emm,

    As you know, although I'm in the U.S., my wife was born in Cambridge and her mother in Liverpool. Your photos bring back fond memories of our trip 10 years ago for our 20th wedding anniversary. We spent a week in the Lake District and a week in London.

    I will never forget the many times I needed to stop the car to avoid an accident - the indescribable beauty the Lake District holds was distracting me each time I got behind the wheel.

    Your photos of the Isle of Wight are drawing me there when we celebrate our 30th next year. We're hoping to return to England.

    Best regards,


  16. That looks so lovely and relaxing! How lucky that you had good weather too.

  17. @ Mike: Heh - naps are a definite requirement in that kind of heat!!

    @ Laura: Oh dear! When does your spring begin??

    @ Agnes: That is a pity. Hopefully you can make it one day - it is lovely.

    @ Jono: Thank you! I shall post one for tomorrow.

    @ Ash: That wasn't a lake!!! That is the English Channel I think as the next thing you get to is France.

    @ Phoenix: It was lovely but I'm still not back in the groove to be honest!

    @ Lidian: I have Googled Fairlight but can't come up with anything!! Where was it near?

    @ Ivanhoe: I like the sea for holiday but am not sure i'd be happy in sleepy old seaside places - I like the hustle and bustle of cities too much!

    @ Erin: It was indeed lovely and peaceful!

    @ Jack: I'm so glad I inspired you! That is always good to know and Isle of Wight is certainly worth a visit!

    @ The Ancient Digger: Well, it is a different experience from hotels and touring and bed and breakfasts are certainly all about the rest and relaxation! Give it a go!

    @ Amy: I replied to your request - did you receive it??

    @ William: I definitely recommend it and you can even make it a day trip (but I'd recommend staying over).

    @ Dave: Oh goodie! That would be lovely!

    @ JaPRA: Hee hee. It didn't hold (the weather) but we had a good time nevertheless.


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