Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Moon in Africa…

The Moon in Africa

…still looks like the moon.

It is strange.  I had just begun to really feel that London is ‘home’ and now I have come back to Johannesburg and it is amazing and I feel at home again.  So much has changed here in approximately 18 months and it is all for the better.  Crime is still a major problem and there is currently very little work available so I guess that every silver lining has a cloud.  I have very little Internet access at the moment and have spent all my time with family and friends who no doubt appreciate their privacy so I’m afraid that there is little that I can post on my blog at the moment.  I’m certainly enjoying the technological break!



  1. Beautiful Emm..gorgeous shot..glad London is staring to feel like home again! Wonderful! enjoy!

  2. London gets to you like that. You get to miss the District Line

  3. beautiful! How are you liking your new camera?

  4. I hope that you're having a great vacation! I can't wait to see what you have to offer us photography wise, when you go back to London.

  5. Emm enjoy the holiday. A blogging break is also a good thing from time to time. Glad you are able to spot some positive changes.

  6. Enjoy your stay, Emm, and thank you for the nice glimpse of the moon in South Africa.

  7. Neat picture! Enjoy your downtime. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  8. At least you have plenty of brand new shiny football stadiums now, just what SA needed right!!!

  9. A technological break can only be a good thing and it will recharge your batteries for getting back into it when it starts shouting at you to come back! Have a great break and enjoy all that good weather...

  10. Did I mis something. You are only on holiday aren't you? You are coming back?

  11. Hi Emm! great to hear that Joburg is getting better; the last time I was there, it was getting worse...

    Blogtrotter Two is moving south on the Nile: water, greenery and desert… Enjoy and have a great week!

  12. nothing wrong with a tech break if you can get it. enjoy your time with your family and relax mate. it will be great! :)

  13. Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

    - Daniel

  14. It's a beautiful photo of the moon - and the bird! I can definitely relate to how you feel - though I find that Norwich is home away from my real home, which is still Manila.

    Enjoy your fantastic time with your family and friends!

    Many thanks for your patience, and for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

  15. And ... funnily enough ... it looks just like the moon way down here too :)

    It sounds as though you enjoyed being home again with your family and taking a break is always a good thing!



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