Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Full Moon Over London Bridge Station

Full Moon Over London Bridge Rail Station

As I was rushing to catch my train after a particularly long and weary day yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice the brilliant (almost) full moon in the sky.  It really was a sight to see but alas, I only had my iPhone with me and the trusty Hipstamatic app.  How does the full moon look where you are today?



  1. How pretty! I couldn't help but starting at the moon when it was actually sunny this weekend; the sky was so blue and the moon was so bright!

  2. Nice capture, Emm! It was so bright last night, I was confused and thought the moonlight was snow on the ground. LOL!

  3. When I see a full moon in London it always reminds me on the movie American werewolf in London for some strange reason...

  4. I wanted to get a photo of the moon last night, but it was too cloudy in Croydon - and way too cold to stand outside and wait for the next gap in the clouds!

  5. first thing came to mind - vampire? warewolf?

  6. moon over london. nice. in los angeles yesterday, i was hitting golf balls at dusk on the driving range, and within a few minutes we had a nice big saucer'd moon coming up over the tree line of the 18th green. the real mean/surprisingly nice, macho doctor from "Scrubs" (John McGinley) was next to me. he had a decent swing, not great. anyhoo, the moon: awesome. we'll see tonight!

  7. Love that you took the time to look up, see this and capture it! Some days, I rush right by this kind of beauty.

    So cloudy here in the Northeast part of America, but I am hopeful by tonight the skies will clear and I'll stop rushing.

  8. No full moon in my place, let alone vampires or werewolves or any other creatures. What I got here is cloud, gray thick cloud.
    By the way, I love the tone and the distortion in your photo shot.

  9. Wow! Nice capture!
    There's a song that goes...'full moon...'

    Big hugs!
    B xx

  10. Nice photo! I love the full moon. It's just so beautiful to see.

  11. good one :-) funny how such moments suddenly reach out to spite of how we maybe rushing from one place to another...

  12. Excellent shot! Better than going to the London Dungeon therabouts!

  13. I really like the whole feel of this photograph Emm. Really great job!

  14. Glad you took the time to enjoy the moon during rush hour. The moon looked the same here. :)

  15. Brilliant shot Emm just at the right time too :-)

    hope it wasn't too cold.

  16. Me too. Wasn't it stunning

  17. Where I live it has been foggy for a week, so I was fortunate to see the sun and the moon today, finally! You did a great job with your phone.

  18. Hi Emm! Great catch!!

    Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter Two, where Egypt 2010 ended up in magnificent glory for Ramses II at Abu Simbel! Enjoy and have an exceptional weekend!

  19. nice capture. The moon looks pretty much the same here.


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