Thursday, March 17, 2011



This photo epitomises everything I don’t like about zoos.  Monkeys should barely know what barbed wire feels like, never mind be left grasping it in boredom and captivity.  I thought I’d post this photo separately, along with my negative sentiments, because I did go to an “animal world” with my god daughter in South Africa and wouldn’t want to ruin the entire post with my whining.

I liked this photo because it came out exactly as I wanted it to.  I wanted to focus on the monkey’s little hand and I had taken it with this exact sentiment in mind.

I also like that I resisted the urge to touch the monkey’s hand.  As cute as they look, they are more vicious than you can ever imagine and I would not have fingers with which to type had I given in to temptation.

Not to mention that wild animals and monkeys should not be subjected to the random touch of inquisitive humans.  The only time that has felt right is when I’ve been in animal rehabilitation, conservation or breeding centres.



  1. I entirely agree, and in the same way, I don't like to see dolphins on display doing tricks. what can it feel like when you should have the whole ocean to swim?

  2. AW..what a sweet beautiful soul! Powerful post imagery and in words..

  3. A very powerful post! I feel the same way. I walk away for the few trips we've made to the zoo feeling so melancholy.

    I love the last part of your post about touch. What amazing work it would be to help animals in rehabilitation - and how that work would make it even more painful to see the caged animals of the zoo.

  4. I agree with you in what your writing..
    What a cutie and your photo is perfect and touching! Great work.
    Hope you have a great time:-)

  5. I'm with you on that...zoo's always remind me on a prison for animals, which it is...

  6. I so agree with you Emm, fortunately we do not have a zoo in Port Elizabeth, I hate to see wild animals caged, not to mention the lions they keep behind a fence to be shot by cowards from abroad for trophies. They call it canned lions or something like that. I am not a hunter, but I will, if in an emergency, shoot something to eat, but to shoot some animal just to say I shot a lion, and then from the safety of behind a fence, that to me is the height of cowardice. At least give the lion a fair chance if you must kill it.
    While on the subject, it sometimes happens that a wild animal kept in captivity, kills its owner or someone else. Now that animal has to be put down because it is now dangerous. Have you ever heard of such bulldust? Why was the animal kept in captivity in the first place. He didn't ask to be there, and being a wild animal it is its nature to kill, or protect itself, but because it is true to its nature it has to be killed.

    Anyway, getting carried away here, thanks for the visit, always great to hear from fellow South Africans, hope you are well and take care.

  7. I'm 100% with you on this one Emm. I am very fortunate that I can view primates in the wild where I live.

    That said there are zoos in Thailand, but I have very strong views on them so lets just say they are not well managed.

    The only exception I can think of is the Giant Panda at Chiang Mai zoo although this is loaned to Thailand from China and is NOT there for conservation.

  8. My sentiments as well. Captivating image!

  9. I agree whole heartedly with you.

    I've been thinking about making a post on that topic thank you for posting this, Emm.
    Loved this post and the photo you paired with it. Wonderful!!

    Have a great weekend!

    Big hugs!
    B xx

  10. Ever since I started watching documentaries of people creating private sanctuaries for these amazing creatures in some of my Anthro. classes, zoos, in lack of better terms, piss me off.

  11. The picture goes well with your comments. You make some very good points.

  12. I totally agree... and the pic really tugged at my heart...
    Humans give all speeches about freedom....little realising it is as important to animals too...

  13. A touching post, why should animals be caged up all their lives just for the pleasure of humans.

  14. The photo speaks for itself. I enjoy visiting little farms, but zoos are not funny at all.

  15. Nice post. I also don't like animals in zoo. They should be in the forest.

  16. Looking from the cages through those monkeys' eyes, are we not caged animals to them? ;)

    At least, these animals are lucky than some homeless folks...

  17. I took a similar photo of a giant penguin standing in a corner of a wire fence at a 'nature reserve' somewhere in England years ago. I never knew a penguin to display depression until I saw the poor thing. No attempt had been made to give it or its mates any sort of natural environment. Animals in captivity like this is sickening.

  18. Thanks for all your comments everybody! I won't reply individually as I usually do as you all seem to agree with me!!!

  19. I also agree, it's so sad to see an animal caged.

  20. great post, i'm with you completely. it makes me sad to see animals being caged up like that.


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