Sunday, May 01, 2011

Afternoon Tea in Mayfair

The Ritz Hotel Mayfair

Yesterday afternoon I travelled to Mayfair for afternoon tea with my colleagues.  I arrived with an hour to spare and decided to take a little walk around first.  It was hard to believe that a Royal Wedding had taken place merely 24 hours before, with approximately one million people descending upon the area, because it looked remarkably free of litter or any other such signs. (Forgive me, I hail from Africa, there would be signs of street festivities of that scale). 

At least The Ritz Hotel had a sign saying, “Congratulations, Your Royal Highnesses”. 

Green Park in Spring London

I went into Green Park which is looking beautiful and green this spring.  I took a seat on a park bench in the sun and read for a while.  It was a beautiful, sunny day but definitely still weather for a light cardigan as there was a fierce wind blowing.  I didn’t have a light cardigan but managed to sit in the sun for over half an hour.  Bliss.

Green Park London

London is so beautiful when the sun shines.

Alleys and Back Routes in Mayfair

We were meeting for afternoon tea at the Chesterfield Mayfair.  The hotel provides instructions for the journey between Green Park station and the hotel, and I understand why.  I followed Google Maps and experienced the best of Mayfair’s back roads and alley ways.  London is such a city of contrasts, it never ceases to amaze me.

The Chesterfield Mayfair

Afternoon tea is the quintessential English tradition.  It used to be the domain of fancy old ladies but is becoming more and more popular with the younger generation.  This was very much in evidence as the people all around us were young, trendy and most importantly, relaxed!

Afternoon Tea at the Chesterfield Mayfair

The service at the Chesterfield Mayfair is impeccable and we had a lovely afternoon.  We had a special Royal Wedding afternoon tea which consisted of sandwiches and scones with jam and clotted cream plus wedding fruit cake, William and Kate cupcakes and the Queen’s pudding.  There was also an option to include Champagne with the tea but I passed on account of all the Champagne I had at our Royal Wedding part on Friday.

William and Kate Royal Wedding cupcake

Afternoon tea was quite an experience and one that I would be happy to repeat.  The price of the award-winning afternoon tea at the Chesterfield Mayfair begins at £23.50 which is quite reasonable compared to other locations and it was worth every penny.  Yum.

My New Year resolution was to fight the complacency of living in a big city and to do at least one London activity a month.  Other activities this year include the Secret London photowalk in January; the Southbank Graffiti photowalk in February; and an evening at The Royal Albert Hall in March.



  1. I so so love Afternoon Tea. I'm trying to decide where to have my next one :D

  2. well posh Em - I've had tea at Claridges, although not the Chesterfield.

  3. What fun! The title of your post sounds like the title of a novel!

    I loved wandering around and trying to find places when I was in London. Every walk from point A to point B is an adventure. Thanks for bringing back pleasant memories.

  4. This was a fun post for me to read! Looks like you're having some beautiful weather there - and I'd love to go to afternoon tea.

  5. I love the photo of the Mayfair alleyways. Looks very Dickensian and City/East Endish. Surprised it's in Mayfair!

  6. Hi Emm..Yay wonderfully fun post...thanks for sharing your magical adventure! Yum!

  7. Never got a chance to explore Mayfair much...

    And I agree...London is SO beautiful when the Sun Shines... :)

  8. I don't know if I would pay £23.50 ... but a nice afternoon tea spread truly is the sign of a civilised society.

    The white linen and the white flowers at the Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel look beautiful.

  9. To read for a while in the park, so perfect.

  10. Afternoon tea sounds delightful, and the cakes, etc. look delicious. I'll have to put the Mayfair on my list of things to do in London, if I ever get there.

  11. The weather looks delightful! Sounds like a lovely way to spend the day :)

  12. I have never wandered around Mayfair yet, looks interesting, and afternoon tea is something that I still have to experience in London. £23.50 seems like a good price compared to what the famous usual suspects charge.

    A nice walk I have done a few times, is starting off in St James Park and finishing in Kensington Gardens, walking via Green Park and Hyde Park. Stacks of beautiful scenery and history rolled into one.

  13. What a relaxed afternoon with beautiful sun shine. I like your afternoon tea, yummy. By the way, I also watched the royal wedding on TV. soooooo perfect couple, just like the princess and prince in the story book.

  14. what a delightful post, emm!

    i love afternoon tea. that place looks fantastic and so welcoming.

    big hugs!

    betty xx

  15. Nice place! It's not a surprise that I did not see the roaly wedding.

  16. glad you had a good time in Mayfair. the place does look so inviting and cosy. Green Park looks like a wonderful place to unwind and relax and i love the lush greenery surrounding it.

  17. I love the royal cupcake! I did high tea at The Ritz years ago. Who knew that cucumber sandwiches could taste *that* good? Sadly, they were so good I left little room for all the lovely cakes!

  18. I think it would be fun to have the afternoon tea you described here. Yes, when the sun shines I agree that London can be fabulous!

  19. I've always wanted to "do" afternoon tea, but I've only ever had it at my grandmother's. :) When we lived in Paris, people used to go to the Ritz there for afternoon tea which I always thought a little odd.

  20. noooo never turn down alcohol haha ... all looks rather posh and lovely. clotted cream mmmm my fave!

  21. @ Norma: Heh. It was good but I'm not too sure I'd do it very often!!

    @ David: It was really nice - not too posh at all!

    @ Kathy: You're so right! London can be amazing and every street is steeped in history.

    @ Li: I'd definitely recommend it if you're ever in London!

    @ Karen: Heh, these weird little alley ways are all over London. It does remind me of all the old Dickens stories.

    @ Kiki: It's a pleasure!

    @ Ash: It's an interesting area, you'll have to visit it next time you're here.

    @ Hels: Heh. Four years ago when I moved here, it wouldn't have felt nearly possible to spend £23.50 on tea!

    @ Italo: It was perfect!

    @ Clueless in Boston: You definitely have to make it to Mayfair as a first time visitor - it is right near Buckingham Palace!

    @ Elle: Definitely. And the whole summer seems perfect in London when the sun shines.

    @ William: I haven't been to Kensington Gardens in years and I've not got any photos, as far as I know. I must make a plan!

    @ Ellen: That is amazing that you watched it over there! Glad you enjoyed it.

    @ Betty: Thank you! We'll have to do tea one day when you're in town.

    @ Spiderdama: Ha! I enjoyed the Royal Wedding.

    @ Life Ramblings: All of the parks in London are quite exquisite.

    @ Wendy: I know!!! The chicken and mayo sandwiches we ate were so nice we had to ask for more!!

    @ Self Sagacity: It was definitely a lot of fun!!

    @ Sheila: Definitely give it a try one day Sheila! It was lovely.

    @ Tina: Ha! I barely drink and had definitely had enough the day before!!

  22. See? This is exactly why I want to live in Mayfair! I just love this area.... I'd go every sunday for afternoon tea!


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