Sunday, November 27, 2011

Returning to Novi Sad, Serbia

Fruska Gora Serbia

Apart from posting photos of warm and sunny places, I have another cunning trick for avoiding the winter blues this season: planning my vacations outside of the UK next year.  For various boring reasons, not least of which was the fact that Stephen was applying for his British citizenship and passport, we haven’t left this country since January 1st. I don’t know why this makes me so sad, but perhaps it is because we are so close to the wonders that Europe has to offer.

It is our tenth wedding anniversary next year, so I have demanded planned a trip to Italy in April.  We were also planning on going to Croatia and Bosnia in September but that might not pan out anymore.  We’re definitely going to South Africa in December though. 

With all that travel planned, I still wanted to return to Serbia, the country I fell in love with last year.  So I made a promise to myself: if I could manage to put aside some extra money, I would reward myself with a short trip.  It worked and I can finally say with some certainty that I will return to Serbia in 2012.

So this week’s instalment of Blue Skies and Sunshine is dedicated to Serbia.  This time I intend to spend at least 1-2 days in Belgrade as I didn’t see much of the city last time, apart from the airport.  It would be great if we could spend some time in the famous Fruška Gora mountains too, if only so that I can smell that glorious pine-scented air again.

Petrovaradin Fortress Novi Sad Serbia

I haven’t decided whether my trip will coincide with the Exit Festival again.  The problem is that the more time I spend at the festival at night, the less I am going to see of the surrounding city and area.  Regardless of when I go, I intend to explore more of the Petrovaradin Fortress, especially during the day.  Exit Festival is held inside an exquisite 18th century Austrian fortress, making it the most beautiful festival I have ever attended.

The Slovak Lutheran Church Novi Sad

I also hope to see more of the streets of Novi Sad and Belgrade, to observe the stunning architecture and the contrast between old and new.  I want to see more of the graffiti and street signs, especially as I’ll be able to read it this time (I taught myself to read Cyrillic after my last visit).

I’d also like to visit some of the towns and cities in the surrounding area of Vojvodina, maybe Pančevo or Subotica. That would only really be possible if I didn’t visit during festival time.  I guess I’ll have to wait to see who is headlining before I decide.

Novi Sad countryside

When I visited in 2010, we went up into the mountains for a barbeque with Maja’s friends.  There was something so familiar about it all, about the hills and countryside, the pig on the spit, the friends sitting around the fire, chatting all afternoon and drinking beer.  It really reminded me of South Africa and it just felt like home.  Home with a stunning array of neoclassical and Baroque renaissance architecture just a half hour away.



  1. Never been to Serbia but we are always looking for different places to go, and this sounds worth a look. Also looking at going back to Italy, had a week in Puglia in Sep.

  2. looks interesting - I almost went here once but enver made it due to war etc.

  3. This is a great travel plan... I hope you make it to all the places mentioned. Serbia definitely is a country worth visiting. For me it is more food and atmosphere and less nature and pine trees.

    I think there are better places for that in Slovenia and Croatia.

  4. Your December plans sound really tempting! Lucky you!:)

  5. I might be going to Exit next year. :) Maybe see you there?

  6. Congratulations in advance on the round number anniversary!

  7. I remember your posts from last years trip and how much you enjoyed it. Enjoy the sunnier weather while we're all shivering here.

  8. I totally agree, planning trips helps in times like these! I looked through your several posts on Serbia from last year and it just looks so beautiful!! I can see how you could fall in love with it! I'll have to put it on my list of places to go.

  9. Some wonderful architecture there, Emm. I'm glad it didn't all get trashed under the Communists.

  10. Very beautiful! I only made it to Slovenia & Croatia. So close! :)
    I know what you mean, our last trip was in October 2009. But planning going to Czech next fall! Have a great week!

  11. It is amazingly beautiful yet trgic around thst area. I can totally understand why you want to go back

  12. Wonderful pictures from this country. I would love to visit some day..
    It is the best thing to have a travel plan and plane ticket in the mailbox:-) I just love it!!
    I do not think I will travel before April..(Moldova) that`s a long time.
    Hope you have a nice evening:-)

  13. I would be ancy if I went an entire year without leaving the UK too - so much is beckoning you away!

  14. i've not made it to Serbia, Croatia and South Africa but it's always great to get a taste of different cultures and gain experience when you're traveling to a new place. great photos.

  15. It is strange how when you travel you see sometimes feel as if you have seen this same place before, can one imagine that we all feel different, but the forest and pastures all look and feel very similar....


  16. @ John: Actually, it was hearing about your latest trip that made me revisit the idea of going to Italy in April! I have always wanted to go!

    @ David: The more I encounter the region, the more I want to visit! I can see why you wanted to go all that time ago.

    @ Marko: eventually, I want to have explored a great deal of the region, including your lovely hometown of Ljubljana!

    @ Ola: Heh. I am quite looking forward to visiting South Africa again.

    @ Hevel: Really?? If so, we simply must meet up!

    @ Kathy: Thank you. I never once, for one minute, doubted we would make it.

    @ Ryan: thank you! Although I predict a bumper summer next year with soaring temps.

    @ Andrea: Hopefully I will have many more posts of Serbia too. I felt I just didn't have enough time to tour last time.

    @ Jenny: It looks like a lot of it was actually maintained under communism. The same can't be said for what was destroyed in the rest of the region during the war.

    @ Ivanhoe: it is hard not going "home" often, isn't it???

    @ Mo: that is exactly it! I am drawn.

    @ Spiderdama: I would just love to visit Moldova!! I love the way the name rolls off my tongue, especially if I use their accent.

    @ Within Ireland: Exactly. I feel like I have failed myself somewhat but then again, I did make up for it with some wonderful London excursions.

    @ Life Ramblings: travel is so important and i agree - it is amazing to encounter new cultures.

    @ Lover: Hello! Welcome to my blog. I totally got that feeling - I felt like I was home. Weird, huh?


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