Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Munich Frauenkirche

Frauenkirche Liebfrauenstr Munchen

The Munich Frauenkirche is one of the most iconic landmarks in Munich, known especially for its unique Renaissance-style domes.  This magnificent red brick building was built in the late 15th century and was consecrated in 1494, with the domes added in 1525.  It is a Catholic church and the full name is Dom zu Unserer Lieben Frau which translates to Cathedral of Our Dear Lady. 

The church is located on Frauenplatz (Women’s Square) but it faces Liebfrauen Strasse (Loving Women Street) too.  I understand the religious context of the name but I was also quite thrilled to be surrounded by such a love for women!

When you are looking for churches in Germany, do be careful not to add an ‘s’ into the name.  Kirche means church, kirsche means cherry! We had a good laugh about that when one of our party made that mistake.

Interior and alter of Munich Frauenkirche

Like many of the churches in Munich, entrance to the church is free but they do prefer visitors not to come in during services.  It is hard to express how big this church is but it can hold an incredible 20,000 people during one of the regular masses. 

Interior of Munich Frauenkirche

The church was greatly damaged during World War II and renovations continued right up to 1994.  That is not to say that work will not continue on the church and in fact, one of the towers was covered in cladding when we visited.

Pope Benedict XVI statue Munchen Frauenkirche

Der Teufelsschritt or Devil’s Footstep

There is a lovely legend connected to the church and it has to do with this human footprint that can be seen in the entrance hall beneath the chorus.  If you step into this foot, you cannot see any of the windows in the church and at one time, you could not see the middle window either because there was a huge alter there.  It is said that after the building was finished but not yet consecrated, the devil sneaked in and was greatly amused that there were no windows in the building.  There is little use for a building without windows, said he.

The Devils Footstep

He stomped his foot in triumphant joy, leaving the mark you see here today. However, when he took one step further, he saw all of the windows between the columns of the church and realised he was the fool. In a fit of fury, he turned into a violent wind, hoping that he could tear down the church with his might.  To this day you can experience the fierce winds around the Frauenkirche which is of course still standing after all of his efforts.

Isn’t that a wonderful tale?

Das Wittelsbacher Kenotaph Frauenkirche

Das Kaiserkenotaph

This is the tomb monument for Kaiser Ludwig IV der Bayer by master sculptor Hans Krumpper.  Ludwig IV was an incredibly important figure in Bavarian history and lived from 1282 to 1347.  He was otherwise known as King Louis IV or the Bavarian in the English speaking world and was of the house of Wittelsbach.  In his time, he was the King of Germany, the King of Italy and the Holy Roman Emperor from 1328 until his death in 1347.

Apparently he is buried in the the Frauenkirche and I am trying not to think about where his body might have been between 1347 and the consecration in 1494, although the church did replace an older romanesque church that was previously on site.

Glasfenster Frauenkirche Munchen

The Glasfenster or stained glass windows were quite exquisite but we could not for the life of us figure out which scenes were depicted!  It would have been nice to attend a tour of this particular church as there was a lot in the way of symbolism that I would have liked to learn more about.

Figures in the ceiling

You might need to click on the photo above to see, but we were greatly amused by these little figures hanging from the ceiling.  They were like benevolent gargoyles!

The basement of Frauenkirche

With a final glance at the eerie display in the basement, we were on our way to see the Glockenspiel in Marienplatz and the sculptured gardens of The Munich Residenz.



  1. I have seen many late 15th century churches in my time, but I can't remember any with such hefty, white, simple octagonal pillars. Are they original to the 1490s? If so, I wonder where the idea came from.

  2. "Isn’t that a wonderful tale?"

    Of course yes!

    My friends in the jungle do agree.

  3. Oh, wow! What a great church and nice details. I love the way you take pictures in this angels. Very nice job!

  4. Such a beautiful building. We didn't get a chance to go in when we were there in 1996, so I'm glad to see what it looks like inside.

  5. The archbishop during the war condemned the Nazis for killing mentally ill or damaged children, I think from that pulpit. Very brave and led to Adolf deciding to wipe out all Christians after he had dealt with Russia. I think the Archbishop at least survived.

  6. the photographs say it all, wonderful shots!
    what a great trip !

  7. After seeing the photos, I have no doubt the stained glass windows alone are well worth a visit in Munich. If that's not fine art, I don't know what is.

  8. Woah...totally gorgeous shots..beautiful..and are magnificent Em..fabulous and atmospheric..gorgeous stained glass..I so appreciate all that you rock! Totally!
    Have a blissful week..
    PS thanks for all you kind visits.I'll be catching up on yours too ..with some tea!

  9. So many pretty captures! And I brushed up on my German, too ;) Wish I was there...

  10. I remember visiting here and thank you for reminding me of that interesting tale about the footprint!

  11. I was about to leave a fascinating comment about the church until I realised just in time that I was talking about the Frauenkirche in Dresden and not in Munich. It's like the Notre Dames in France - so many!

    I hope you had a glass of Liebfraumilch in Liebfrauenstrasse. :)

  12. Munich is also one amazing city... for me that breaths quality of living...
    Love everytime I have to go there in work and can walk in Marienplatz or one of the garden after work...

  13. It is said the Cathedral can hold 20,000 people. Is this true?


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