Monday, June 11, 2012

Featured Photo: Cap Blanc Nez, Côte d'Opale

Cap Blanc Nez, Cote d'opal

Just five minutes from our hotel in Sangatte lies Cap Blanc Nez on the Côte d'Opale.  Translated as the Opal Coast, the Côte d'Opale is a beautiful length of coastline stretching along France’s north coast from Calais to Berck.  On this particular day, we could see all of the way to the white cliffs of Dover although this particular photo was taken to the south west.



  1. Such a lovely view. I hope you had a enjoyable vacation and hike to the sea.

  2. a lovely place to find a moment's peace. great shot.

  3. I can only dream! Beautiful shot, Emm!

  4. Great view! I hope you also got to take a closer look at that blue thing in the distance. ;)

  5. I too love that part of France.. and for you and me, it is so close to home and easy traveling to. Great shot

  6. It's a beautiful lookout spot, but always seems windy. I've been lucky enough to see the white cliffs of Dover from Wimeroux, just down the road from there, and a lovely sea-side resort. Minus the warm water and consisten warm weather, that is.

  7. Sun! There is sun there!

  8. Very nice scenic, though you should have signed in "Emm in France" :)

  9. What a stunning view. Enjoy your trip to France!

  10. Ah, lovely. Take me there:-))

  11. I hope you remembered to wave to me. :)

  12. pretty! i love France.

  13. @ AVCr8teur: it was a lovely vacation but we certainly didn't get much sun!

    @ LifeRamblings: It was really beautiful up there. The views were spectacular!

    @ Ivanhoe: Thank you!

    @ Marko: thank you! There were ferries crossing the whole time we were there. Every couple of minutes.

    @ This Is Belgium: yes, we will definitely return. It was less than 2.5 hours door to door.

    @ Wendy: We loved Wimeroux!!!! It was such a lovely town. So, you're saying it is windy all the time? That is sad.

    @ Ola: I know, right!

    @ Mo: Ha ha! There was indeed ten minutes of sun during our entire trip!

    @ Clueless in Boston: you are so right! But I haven't been able to do as much on my laptop since my PC was broken.

    @ Dominic: thank you! We did and we will return.

    @ Spiderdama: ha ha - it is always me wanting to visit you!

    @ Sheila: was I close??? Drat! If I go again, I will let you know.

    @ Within Ireland: Me too. I did no think I would like it as much as I did.

  14. A nice view indeed.

    Looking at view like that I know one day my adventure in London has to come to an end and I have to return to living next to the sea... the fresh air and the views are food for the soul!

  15. @ William: I have to say, we lived within reach of the most unbelievable natural beauty in Johannesburg and never appreciated it. I like living in a city and visiting beautiful places, I appreciate them more.


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