Monday, July 16, 2012

Featured Photo: Windermere


I wish that I could paint a picture for you of what I expected before we went to Windermere.  I expected a sad little overcrowded man-made lake, stuffed full of boats and surrounded by greasy spoons.  In short, I had no idea that I was about to visit one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Windermere is the largest natural lake in England and it is over a mile across at its widest point.  It is a ribbon lake formed by glaciers so visitors to the region are treated to hills, mountains, valleys and secondary lakes as well as forests and meadows. 

This photo was taken at Bowness-on-Windermere which is where we walked to nearly every day of our stay.

Isn’t it great to be proven wrong?



  1. It's great when something really exceeds expectations; a surprise that only increases enjoyment.

    BTW, your question about the Adams Mansion I posted on Monday - it is a museum administered by the National Park Service.

  2. What, no torrential rain?
    You were somewhere else........

  3. lakes are always nice but some of them are nicer than the others:)
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  4. How different things might be compared to what we think in advance - well to be surprised positively.

    Hope the Summer weather is over your place right now:-)

  5. Those kind of surprises are nice. I much rather be underestimating a place then be disapointed when expecting too much :)
    Hugs from Ohio,

  6. what we expect in advance will not be always true. So we have to go there to take a look at to confirm it. Your post inspired me. Umm, I have to think about it for a while. Sometimes I made a mistake just because what I think in advance is not what it really is.

  7. This looks like a lovely place to visit, Em!

  8. This is so serene, would love to spend a few days here!

  9. Of course it is !
    Your photo is postcard-like. I really like it a lot also maybe because I did not expect a Switzerland type of scenery..
    Yes what you say about expectations... wisdom, and something to be constantly reminded of.

  10. The best kind of surprise

  11. I had the same feeling when I went to Broadstairs this past weekend. I was expecting a chincy seaside town and I was pleasantly surprised.

  12. Your camera did a great job catching the layers of background! it looks lovely - wish there was more sun for you.

  13. Totally beautiful..fabulous photo! Have a wonderful wkd Emm!

  14. It looks like a popular place with so many people looking on. It looks like fun to sail around in the lake. Yes, I have been wrong about places before and later glad I had visited it. It is a good surprise.

  15. such a beautiful surprise. the lake looks absolutely inviting.

  16. Looks like a beautiful place. Looking at the water makes me want to take a boat trip.

    Never been to Lake Windimere, but this is how I would have pictured it, apart from the hills!


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