Monday, September 03, 2012

Featured Photo: The Navigators at Hays Galleria

The Navigators - Hays Galleria

If you visit Hays Galleria on the south bank of the Thames (just below London Bridge Station), you’ll discover the magnificent steampunk sculpture The Navigators.  This is a massive, moving bronze sculpture that is part fish and part ship.  Created in 1987 by sculptor David Kemp, it is meant to commemorate the Galleria’s shipping heritage.  Hays Galleria is currently a shopping centre with boutique stores and restaurants but was once a large warehouse situated on Hays Wharf (from which it takes its name).

The Navigators is notoriously difficult to photograph because, in all honesty, it is far too big for the space it is in.  I was glad to finally get a reasonable shot of it.



  1. Beautiful photograph, fantastic place. Greetings

  2. I've tried to photograph it too, Emm, and I admire your picture which does convey what it is like and looks good as well. It always looks to me like something that should be in a theme park. I see it quite often because I go quite often to that part of town

  3. Hi Emm! It has been a long absence, but things have been a bit hard: father 95, mother almost 91 doing radiotherapy, wife broke right elbow and I’m consuming some much needed holidays to take care of all this...

    It's a great shot!!

    As far as Blogtrotter Two is concerned, it seems nobody is interested in St. Kitts, so maybe I should try something else. Anyhow, enjoy and have a great week or better a vacation, if still available!!!

  4. We have a Galleria in Cleveland, too. Much younger then yours I'm sure. But still worth of pics. I will take some soon :)

  5. Wow, I'd love to see it in person. It looks very detailed. I'll keep an eye out for it next time I'm in the area.

    I'd love to invite you to 'Blogger's Tea' in London - it would be great to meet you! Pop over to my blog for details :)

  6. How have I never seen this?! Yet another thing to add to my London to-do list on my next visit. Thanks Em. :O)

  7. pretty cool. does it move? i so want those fins to be able to "swim." ;)

  8. you answered a lot of questions for me in this post. thanks Emm! how'd you learn all that?

  9. Looks like a special sculpture. And I also like the roof of this place. Everything looks so big in London,hehe:-)


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