Monday, September 17, 2012

Featured Photo: Reflection


When we visited the Mayor's Thames Festival two weekends ago, I spotted this reflection as we rounded the corner to Gabriel’s Wharf.  I knew immediately that it would make a fabulous featured photo and so I stopped dead and hauled out my camera to capture it. 

It might be worth noting, for beginner photographers, that stopping dead in extremely crowded situations will not only make the crowds around you pretty irate, but it will also cause your husband to wander off and pretend he doesn't know you.

Still, I think it is worth it.  Somehow, I captured a mood, the last gasp of optimism and joy as we celebrated a fantastic British summer and welcomed in the autumn. 

Can you believe that I used to dislike autumn?  I don’t anymore.  I’m looking forward to wearing scarves and elegant tights, cardigans and bright autumn colours.  What I missed most this summer was darkness and lights and I’m looking forward to the endless night too. 

I’m also determined to get back indoors after a summer outside, which sounds crazy, I know, but I resolve to frequent more museums, art galleries and events this autumn. 

I’m especially looking forward to seeing people.  I’m looking forward to hearty meals and hot drinks with friends, long walks and cosying up in coffee shops afterwards.

I’m feeling truly blessed as I have two visitors from South Africa visiting this weekend and then a week later.  I love having visitors from home (and especially love it when they bring me Peppermint Crisps).  We also have a lovely group of expat and bloggers that get together from time to time.  Winter has become so much less daunting since we all became friends.  It would be impossible to underestimate the impact of friendships on the expat experience, that is for sure!

And then in 90 days I arrive in South Africa.  Is it too soon to start counting down?

What are your plans for the autumn?



  1. Is that the first time your husband has wandered off and pretended not to know you in a crowded city :) My beloved used to do that all the time. So I became smarter (at last).

    Now I ask him to read all his regular newspapers, magazines and academic journals, and to cut out and file any stories that I might like to blog about. He also takes photos of interesting 19th century architecture and places them in my potential-blog file.

    This has worked out very well, for my blog and for our marriage :)

  2. wow, that is a beautifully lit reflection shot.

  3. The picture is totally awesome !
    I like the part of your husband pretending he does not know you... too familiar.
    Finally, it is never too early to start counting!
    Enjoy the pepermint in the meantime.
    Great post !

  4. A great photo! I'm glad you stopped. I also love reflections and tend to want to capture them in (semi-)permanent form. But I'm not always as successful as this one is.

  5. Your comment about stopping abruptly to take a photo made me laugh. I know how you feel. Sometimes you see something you just can't let it pass you by. Usually, my husband wanders off and it take me awhile to find him. Are you going back home for a visit?

  6. Now that's a cool find for a reflection shot! i've always enjoyed autumn. It is enjoyable to be able to go for long walks without getting sweaty and i can't wait for my trip to SouthKorea in Nov.

  7. I like autumn, but it can be too dark here in north..
    I always like reflections like this in your photo!

    South Africa, in my dream:-)
    Maybe a trip to London is more realistic for me

  8. Awesome autumn plans, Em! Wish I could be there for some of it :)
    Never too soon for a countdown! I started mine when we bought the cruise back in January. It's now just some 45 days away. Yay!
    Hugs from Ohio,

  9. Stunning ! What an awesome a magical portal appearing! Beautiful Emm! Glad you are enjoying too!

  10. Autumn is my denial season: I'm not willing to let go of summer for the cold winds and rain, and would prefer winter to kick in instead. So at least one of us is enjoying it. Please do have a Peppermint Crisp for me! Yum.

    Loved the bit about just stopping in a crowded spot to take a photo and being disowned as a result. Been there... :O)

  11. @ Hels: Ha ha ha! I think you are right, he does it quite often. Ste does play tour guide when we're working with a map or a plan. He was invaluable when we were tracking down the Wenlocks and Mandevilles.

    @ Betchai: It was a good capture indeed! Very lucky.

    @ This is Belgium: aww, our poor, long suffering husbands. Then again, I'm a football widow so have to get my own back.

    @ Kathy: I find I learn from other photographers so I have learned to look out for puddles, mirrors and reflections over time.

    @ AVCr8teur: Oooh, if Ste wanders off it is usually because he's getting irritated. I try to avoid that! I'm just going to South Africa for two weeks, for a visit. We try to go every 2 years.

    @ Life Ramblings: Oh! I so look forward to your South Korea photos!! And you're right. Autumn is definitely a lot more comfortable.

    @ Spiderdama: aww, I hope you get to see South Africa one day but I would love to meet you in London (or Grimstad).

    @ Ivanhoe: wow! 45 days (or 43 now). I so look forward to reading about it!!

    @ Victoria: awww, you're partially the reason I've come to love autumn. Thank you!!!

    @ Wendy: I used to be exactly like that!!! But I'm happy to enjoy it now. I'm planning a long walk for tomorrow morning through Green Park from Victoria.

  12. I'm sorry, did you just say a "fantastic British summer" ??? You are the ultimate optomist, my dear. I'm glad it's fall and we don't have to make excuses for the weather anymore.


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