Monday, September 10, 2012

Featured Photo: Ships in the Mediterranean

Ships in the Mediterranean

I’ve always felt slightly jealous of people’s plane window snapshots.  I’ve never really had the courage to haul my camera out of the overhead locker and brazenly take a photo out of the window but then air-stewardesses do kind of scare me.

But when we flew out over the Mediterranean Sea to prepare for our landing at Barcelona Airport two weeks ago, I just knew I had to capture a photo of these ships that I could see out of the plane window.  Thankfully, I wasn’t caught taking photos during our descent!

So I apologise for the quality – this was taken through a window after all as well as a thin layer of cloud – but I’m glad I finally joined the club of the mile-high photo snappers!



  1. I love such views, as I love travelling and seeing ships on the sea from the sky is simply amazing!

    życie & podróże

  2. Hahaha! Lovely :)
    Those stewards(esses) scare me, too. I'm usually very obeying person on a plane.
    Hugs from Ohio,

  3. Oh wow..super cool Emm!!Pretty amazing!

  4. Hope you had or are still having a great time. Some super restaurants in Barcelona.

  5. I know how you feel about those flight attendants, but usually during the descent, they are buckled in themselves and won't be making the rounds to reprimand any passengers. Those ships look like freighters.

  6. @ Ola: I know! I love waking up and seeing views like that in the morning as we fly to South Africa!

    @ Ivanhoe: I know, they can be just wicked.

    @ Victoria: thank you!

    @ Mo: Sadly we didn't make it to Barcelona, or off the beach for that matter.

    @ AVCrteur: I think you're right, I think they were freighters.


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