The light in London was beautiful last night. I found myself at County Hall at 8:30pm, glad I had my camera with me. I love London in the golden hours and have posted before about London at dusk and dawn.
I really needed a touch of beauty last night as yesterday was a Very Bad Day. Three weeks ago we lost someone very dear to us and now we’re back in London after flying to South Africa for the funeral. It all seemed to catch up with me yesterday.
It is the expat curse: being a million miles from home when you get that phone call. We’ve searched our souls countless times in the past 21 days and very nearly moved back to South Africa. We’re trying not to make any drastic changes until things settle down and in any event, although I want to move back, my husband does not.
Tomorrow Emm in London will be 5 years old. I remind myself why I began this blog in the first place – I wanted to live every single moment to the full and to appreciate my hometown with the same passion that I reserved for my travels abroad. My sister-in-law knew that and she shared my passion. When I told her about my morning walks she emailed this to me: “Do you have ANY idea how cool that sentence is?!??! Wait, I’ve just remembered who I’m talking to, you ABSOLUTELY know how cool that sentence is: walking from London Bridge to Charing Cross in the mornings… I could swoon”. I would give anything to share these sights with her again.
Things might feel pretty bad at the moment but I remind myself that they will get better and I will reconnect with the aspects of my life that brought me joy before. It will just take a little bit of time.
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