I was trying to explain to a group of new friends the other day that I see a difference between the art of photography and capturing images on Instagram. For me, Instagram is about moods, impressions and observations. Using filters, text and hash tags, we capture a moment in time, much like our parents did on Polaroid film. Before I take you on a tour of the fabulous things we saw in Milan, I thought I’d show you my first and last impressions of Milan along with my original comments.
Milan. Oh so pretty and stylish
Milan. Cosmopolitan and metropolitan.
Milan. Gritty and urban.
Milan. A room with a view.
Milan. Stylish. The courtyard of our hotel.
Brera, Milan.
It rained in Milan today.
One last look at Brera
Leonardo, Piazza delle Scala
Lone figure at a window. (Arrivederci Milan)
Milan really surprised me. I was worried that there would be little to do, that I might not enjoy it but I really did like it and would love to revisit the city.
What do you think? Do you think I captured the mood and tone of Milan?
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