Saturday, January 17, 2015

Untitled London: Winter's Return

When I was on my recent holiday, it occurred to me that I don’t write often about my daily life in London or what is going on in my personal life. A million blog years ago, I used to post a photo of the book I was reading and a cup of coffee on my rare lunch hours but life is completely different now. I rarely read books now that I have a Kindle, I always take a lunch hour so they aren’t unique anymore and I spend so much more time walking and exploring London now than sitting in coffee shops!

I’ve come up with an idea for an Untitled London series. These are photos that I take on my travels each day and often they won’t have a title other than the date and time that they were taken. The idea is to chronicle the passing seasons and trends in London and to capture all the magical things I see. These photos will all be taken on my iPhone and many of them will be filtered and edited in Snapseed, VSCOcam, Color Efex and Photoshop.

This instalment is Winter’s Return because I’ve returned to work and yes, it has been a rather wintery surprise after three weeks in South Africa. Our offices have moved and I’m no longer working in the Peter Pan building in WC2N but am now in east London in E1. I have a brand new walk to work and get to explore a whole new area of London. It is no secret that it is fast becoming my new favourite part of London.

City Hall and the Shard

8.05am, Monday 5 January 2015

Tower of All Hallows Staining

8.00am, Tuesday 6 January 2015

All that remains. This is the Tower of All Hallows' Staining built c1320. The church survived the Great Fire of 1666 only to collapse in 1671. It is believed that the large number of graves in the surrounding area weakened the foundations. Rebuilt in 1674, it was eventually torn down in 1870 when the Parish of All Hallows' amalgamated with the nearby Parish of St Olave, Hart Street. St Olave, Hart Street was gutted in the Second World War.

Dwarf (Walkie Talkie)

9.05am, Wednesday 7 January 2015

Dwarf. (Walkie Dwarfie? Dwarfie Talkie? The things I ponder on a mid-morning tea break). The first of many, many photos you’ll see of the Walkie Talkie Building at 20 Fenchurch.

Wet London

8.00am, Thursday 8 January 2015

Walkie Talkie Building

8.10am, Friday 9 January 2015

The Ship EC3

8.15am, Monday 12 January 2015

At the Foot of a Giant.  20 Fenchurch Street

7.50am, Tuesday 13 January 2015

Early morning in St Dunstan in the East

7.50am, Wednesday 14 January 2015

Taken inside the bombed out church of St Dunstan-in-the-East.

Boris Bikes on Great Tower Street

8.10am, Thursday 15 January 2015

The Guild Church of St Margaret Pattens

8.15am, Friday 16 January 2015

The only news in my personal life at the moment is that I don’t really have one during the week. It is financial year end at work and I’ve clocked up the kind of overtime worthy of an accountant at year end. Luckily for me that means some time off later in the year so I’m looking forward to taking some afternoons off – do let me know if you’d like to join me for an afternoon tea or some exploring.

The weekends have been blissful so far. I’m catching up on all the sleep I lost during my exams and in South Africa (my nieces wake up at the crack of dawn!) and I’m going on a date tonight (with Le Husband!) which I’m insanely excited about. Tomorrow I’m venturing into a hopefully snowy London to try out the Chinese Afternoon Tea at Millennium Hotel which I hope to tell you about soon.

What have you been up to in 2015?


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