Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Art of Banksy Exhibition, London

The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

One thing I've learned about the new world is that we spend an awful lot of time planning and looking forward to things through delays, false starts and eventual happenings. This was especially true of London's The Art of Banksy exhibition. I recall waiting a very long time for the exhibition to finally open in May 2021 but by the time it did, I had much more important things on my mind as I lost my father in July. Not going to lie, last year was a tough year but it's strengthened my desire to live every minute to the full and to celebrate life in honour of those who have left us.

It was around November that my lovely friend Sarah reminded me that we promised to go to The Art of Banksy together and fresh from my fabulous day out at The Beautiful People exhibition, I went ahead and bought us tickets.

It will surprise exactly no-one to learn that I loved the exhibition. Street Art features so regularly on this blog that it has its own label and Banksy was one of my first loves. You learn very little about the elusive street artist himself but you do learn about the famous and often notorious works he has completed and the exhibitions he's put on. This exhibition was very much unauthorised but Banksy's touch was unmissable.

These were my favourite pieces.

Visit Historic Palestine

Visit Historic Palestine | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

Girl With Balloon Tee

Girl With Balloon Tee | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

Love Is In The Air

Love Is In the Air | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

I Fought The Law

I Fought The Law | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

No Ball Games

No Ball Games | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

Authorised Graffiti Area

Authorised Graffiti Area | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

Album covers, posters and magazine covers

Album covers, posters and magazine covers | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

Laugh Now

Laugh Now | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

Brace Yourself

Brace Yourself | The Art of Banksy Exhibition | London

This last one was interesting. When Banksy released his Oscar-nominated film Exit Through the Gift Shop, there was already a band with that name. They agreed to change their band name to Brace Yourself and sign over the trademark to Banksy and he painted them this backdrop as a thank you.

I don't agree with everything Banksy has done. He infamously staged the Barely Legal exhibition in Los Angeles in 2006 which featured a live, painted Indian elephant. Not cool. For the most part, I think he's one of the most important activist artists of our time and I'm dying to know who he is.

The The Art of Banksy exhibition has been extended to May 2022. Tickets cost £25 Monday to Friday and £29.50 on weekends with concessions and family tickets.

50 Earlham Street

Note: The Art of Banksy exhibition is right across the road from the Seven Dials Market, one of my favourite places in London, so be sure to stop by for yummy street food greatness.


  1. Merci pour cette visite sur le travail de Bansky , je suis une grande fan du street-art et là je suis comblée
    J'ai fait un blog sur cet art en parallèle du mien et j'ai vu que tu y etais passé ..merci
    Bonne journée Mandy

    1. de rien Claudine et merci de ta visite sur mon blog :)

  2. a lovely post and i enjoyed all the images and text, Mandy

    1. Thank you Ayusu, I think you would have enjoyed it a lot


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