Friday, November 24, 2023

Walking With the Snowman at Knole Park

The Snowman is one of the great loves of my life. I loved both The Snowman and Father Christmas books by Raymond Briggs and couldn't even try to estimate how many times I've seen The Snowman film. When I heard that Knole Park was putting on a Walking With the Snowman event, I wasted no time in borrowing two children and a baby and we braved the very autumnal weather on Sunday to track all twelve Snowman sculptures down. I'm fairly certain that you will guess the theme and will sing along!

Twelve Drummers Drumming

Twelve Drummers Drumming | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Eleven Pipers Piping

Eleven Pipers Piping | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Ten Lords A-Leaping

Ten Lords A-Leaping | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Nine Ladies Dancing

Nine Ladies Dancing | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

I realise that I've cut off the dancing ladies on my landscape photo. They were very graceful!

Eight Maids A-Milking

Eight Maids A-Milking | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Seven Swans A-Swimming

Seven Swans A-Swimming | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Six Geese A-Laying

Six Geese A-Laying | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Five Gold Rings

Five Gold Rings | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Four Calling Birds

Four Calling Birds | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Three French Hens

Three French Hens | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Two Turtle Doves

Four Calling Birds | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

Detail from two turtle doves sculpture | Walking with the Snowman event

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Partridge in a Pear Tree | Decorated Snowman sculpture from the Walking with the Snowman event

No visit to Knole Park is complete without seeing the deer but I was surprised how few we encountered on this visit. Perhaps it is better to visit Knole Park in summer?

Deer grazing in field at Knole Park

Knole Park has made available a way to visit the park for free. You can park at the Sevenoaks multi-storey car park at TN13 1LW and walk into the grounds.

I would recommend parking at Knole Park itself postcode TN13 1HX but you may need to book ahead. When parking in the grounds, adults are charged £6 each for the Outdoor & Tower and £15 each for the Showrooms, Outdoor & Tower. Children are half price but there are also discounts for families.

This is the part of the post where I normally apologise and make excuses for being so scarce. 2023 has been both the best and worst of years and so all I can say is that I’m trying to catch up with myself and will hopefully be back to regular posts soon.



  1. I don't know if Knole ever is snowed in, but the bright colours of the sculptures stand out beautifully. Did the children have a great time?

    1. We've had snow the previous two years in Kent so it does indeed get very snowy! The children had a great time!

  2. I always love thes art trails but never have the time to capture them all. This one looks like a lot of fun but a little to far for me to fit this one in before Christmas.

    I am so glad you had a fun time :-)

    1. There definitely isn't enough time! Luckily we found out about this in September so we're able to fit it into our busy silly season schedule!


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