Sunday, March 10, 2024

A Moment in Kentish Town

Welcome to Kentish Town mural on side of building

I found myself in Kentish Town this week with a moment to spare. The journey from Dartford had somehow worked out to be half an hour shorter than expected and my friends' taxi was going to arrive half an hour later than anticipated.

I decided to potter about, take some photos and just think for a minute. It was a bitterly cold afternoon and I was pleased I'd brought along my winter parka (known fondly as the 'walking duvet cover').

I thought to myself how much I love the word 'Kentish'. My aunt lived in Kentish Town in the late-80s to late-00s and I spent my gap year here helping out as au pair for my cousins.

Colourful houses in Kentish Town

Our reason for meeting in Kentish Town on this cold March day was to see Kaizers Orchestra, the band we'd travelled to Norway in December to see. They were so good! We had a delicious meal at Bonga Korean Restaurant before the concert.

The art deco facade of Kentish Town Forum

I've been wondering if there is something in the stars causing travel disruptions this year. Our trip to Italy in April was cancelled because the airline cancelled our flights, and our road trip from Milan to Annecy to Geneva in September was also cancelled because my friend can no longer make it over from South Africa. I'm in the beginning stages of planning a trip to Slovenia instead in September. Please drop a link below if you've blogged about Slovenia!

The good news is that cancelled trips mean I'll finally be able to tell you about all the things I meant to blog about last year when a special project at work stole five months of my life. I hope. As Allen Saunders said (and John Lennon made famous) "life is what happens to us while we are making other plans".

This is certainly true of the past month. Work commitments and an old whiplash injury have left me slightly out of sorts. I asked in my last post how often I should post here and realised the answer is "when life allows it". I'll aim for 2-3 times a month, which seemed to work with most people - thank you for your feedback!



  1. The Forum still looks very classy. 1930s picture theatres were often closed and ruined, but this one has clearly been reused and saved.

    1. Yes, many former theatres here are now churches or concert venues. I love that but do fear that we are losing our art deco buildings

  2. Slovenia is one of my favourite places to visit. I visit Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj amongst other place when it was still part of Yugoslavia.

    More recently I visit Piran and Ljubljana. You can find post (starting with my first posts) on this visit on the following link:

    1. Those are all places we hope to visit Cherie! Thank you so much for the link - now that I finally have a moment, I'll pop on over there

  3. It sounds as if you are really enjoying life whist making plans, Mandy

    1. Hopefully life will bring many more adventures this year!

  4. i think you will be back to your normal self in a while? i imagine we all have some of that once a while. i enjoyed this post. i believe this is the first time i even heard of this place and the photos were a nice introduction for me. i have never visited Slovenia.

    1. If every you are in London, Kentish Town and neighbouring Camden are very cool places to visit

  5. During the Pandemic, Mandy, we had our Croatia trip cancelled twice and ended up switching to Iceland instead once Croatia opened up again...not wanting to be so close to the war in Ukraine. One always wonders about such things, especially the whys, which we may never find out. But I DO like how "life is what happens to us while we are making other plans." It's really true. And it's comforting to read about it when it happens to other people, so thanks for sharing your own story.

    1. Gosh, the pandemic was full of cancelled plans, wasn't it? We never did make it back to the Canaries after our trip was cancelled

  6. I hope the old whiplash is not keeping you from what you like to do. I know work sometimes comes in between plans, I am sure things will workout with you new plans to go to Slovenia, a place I have never been. Nice pictures with you post and I am glad you wore a sensible coat :)
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Work can be quite inconvenient at times!

  7. I have old posts about Bled and Vintgar gorge. Ljubljana is such a pretty capital. Postojna cave and nearby Predjama castle are amazing too. Nature is gorgeous. You can even do a day trio to Italy or Croatia from Slovenia

    1. I will look up all of those places on your blog! Thank you!

  8. Kentish town looks like a lovely place to visit and love the back story too. Your photos are great.

    Allie of

  9. 2-3 times a month is ideal I think. I know I have posted much more so far this year but I actually had something to write about, and got my teeth into it for a change. Now the weather is much nicer, and I have more garden/wildlife photos, I usually find that by the time I get around to posting about them/it, it's all out of date by then!

    I spent many years living in London but have never been to Kentish Town!

    1. That's the key, isn't it? 2-3 times a month but only when you have something to say!


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